RPG Safezone Guard

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JSingDreams, Aug 24, 2017.

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    If you have seen an anime called Log Horizon, there are these guards that would spawn when a player attacks an NPC or another player in a Safezone or a Town, then they would arrest the player, take their items, and etc. I want it to be like Iron Golems (invincible) spawning to the player PvPing and arresting them, then despawns.

    Things I want configurable:
    - Which world will have it enabled/disabled
    - WorldGuard Region support (If a region is not listed, then a Guard will not spawn at the region if players pvp)
    - Permissions (Bypass perm and config reload perm)
    - Essentials Jail support (will send player to jail)
    - Item-Clear enable/disable (If I want it to clear the items of a player when arrested)
    - Return-Item enable/disable (If I want to have items returned to a player)
    - Blacklist Return-Item (Which item types will not return to a player. Basically, contrabands)
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