Inactive [RPG]DayJobs v2.2 - A plugin to enforce and enhance Role Playing [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by LartTyler, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    A plugin to enforce and enhance role playing

    We're on BukkitDev! Please direct all comments to the project page on BukkitDev, thanks!​

    After hosting an RP server for several months, I became tired of having to settle disputes between players, and having to monitor who's doing what. Most of my time went into ensuring player's kept true to RPing, rather then shaping the server as I had wanted to.

    Which is why I designed DayJobs. DayJobs is a plugin that takes some of the load off the shoulders of admins and moderators by restricting how players interact with the world. At the moment, that simply means the tools the players can use, and the blocks they can place. In the future, we at Daybreak Studios plan to add many features that will turn this simple plugin into a full suite to manage role playing in the Minecraft world.

    Current features:
    • Limit block placement and tool usage based on a players job class
    • Completely configurable classes
    • Job change request and ticketing system
    • Restrict armor usage by class
    • Configurable zones! Create guild halls, private mines, and various other locations accessible to only select classes!
    • New configuration option "can-break" allows even further fine-tuned control over what a player can and can't destroy!
    • Configurable damage types! Let some jobs survive harsher conditions longer then others, or fall prey to select environments in the blink of an eye!
    • Set respawn locations and first spawn location (with configurable messages to display to the player being spawned).
    • Restrict items from being crafted on a per job class basis.
    • Support for Permissions, PermissionsBukkit, PermissionsEx.
    • Restrict crafting, smelting, and many more elements of Minecraft's game mechanics on a per class basis.
    Coming soon!

    • Starter kits! Allow players to receive special Starter Kits when the first pick a job, or even on each subsequent job change
    • Support for custom items added via Spout using item ID's
    • Other features on request. Please PM me or leave a message in this thread if you have any feature requests.


    This plugin now requires the server-side version of Spout.​

    Setting up DayJobs is simple. Simply drop the jar into your plugins folder and go. The plugin will function without Permissions and will use Op status for moderators. However, for a more personalized experience, we do suggest installing Permissions. Yes, it's inactive and outdated, but it still works very well, and we use it on our personal servers.​

    Once Permissions has been added, you can use the following permission nodes to control command access:​
        Can reload configuration files
        Can change a players class
        Can access/close tickets
        Can toggle debug mode
        Can create and delete zones
        Allow usage of the admin "exempt" command
        Allows setting of the death spawn location
        Allows setting of the new spawn location (for first time players)
        Allows teleporting to the death spawn
        Allows teleporting to the new player spawn
        Can list available jobs
        Can 'whois' other players
        Can request a job change
        Can view job descriptions
    Example configuration files can be found on our GitHub page.​

    /job list
        List available jobs
    /job info [<job>]
        Display your job info, or <job> if given
    /job whois <player>
        Display basic info for <player>
    /job change <job>
        Request to be changed to <job>
    /job admin reload
        Reload configuration files
    /job admin change <player> <job>
        Change <player>'s job to <job>
    /job admin tickets [close <player>]
        Display open tickets, or close ticket by <player>
    /job admin debug
        Toggle debug mode
    /job admin exempt <player>
        Toggle exempt status for <player> (they wont be affected by job limitatons).
        Run again on the same player to remove exempt status.
    /job admin spawn set death
        Set the respawn location to your current location
    /job admin spawn set new
        Set the new player spawn to your current location
    /job admin spawn tp death
        Teleport to the current respawn location
    /job admin spawn tp new
        Teleport to the current new player spawn location
    /job zone create <zone>
        Begin creation of <zone>
    /job zone set (upper/lower)
        Set the upper-left or lower-right coordinate of the zone
    /job zone order ("allow,deny"/"deny,allow")
        Set the access order (allow first, then deny, or deny first, then allow)
    /job zone (allow/deny) <access_list>
        Allow or deny for <access_list>
    /job zone commit (yes/no)
        Commit zone changes ("yes"), or delete them and start over ("no")
    Using the zoning system:
    The zone system in DayJobs is simple. In order to create a new zone, begin by ensuring that you have the correct permission node (dbstudios.dayjobs.admin.zones). Next, initialize zone creation by typing:
    /job zone create MyZone
    Next, you need to set the upper-left and lower-right coordinate points that define the bounding box the zone takes up. Keep in mind that the zone does not have to encompass an entire structure; often, it's enough to simple place a zone across the door or entry way that will deny players access.
    To define a coordinate, look at the upper-left or lower-right block you want to use, and type:
    /job zone set upper
    /job zone set lower
    Now, you will need to define an order type. For those familiar with the Apache web server, you may recognize the syntax.
    The zone system uses an allow or deny system (ADS) to determine if a player is allowed in a given zone. Valid order types are: "allow,deny", meaning allow all job classes first, then deny those on the given list, or "deny,allow", meaning deny all job classes, and only allow those implicitly allowed. Notice the lack of space between the two access types. To set the order type, enter:
    /job zone order allow,deny
    /job zone order deny,allow
    The final step before committing a zone is to set the access list. The syntax of this command will change depending on your order type. For example, the order type "allow,deny" would replace <access_type> in the following command with "deny", and "deny,allow" would replace <access_type> with "allow":
    /job zone <access_type> <access_list>
    <access_list> is a comma separated list of job classes to deny or allow. Be sure, just as in the order type, not to use spaces between the comma and the different job classes.
    The final step is to commit the zone. To do this, type:
    /job zone commit yes
    This will write all changes to your zone file. However, if you are not satisfied with the changes, or decide midway through creation that you don't want the zone, type:
    /job zone commit no
    You must commit or discard a zone before attempting to create another.

    You can also delete zones from in-game. Simply type:
    /job zone delete MyZone

    Let's say I wanted to create a zone named "MinersGuild", and only allow the two jobs, "Miner" and "Blacksmith" inside. I would type the following:
    /job zone create MinersGuild
    *Looking at the block above and to the left of the entry way, I would type:*
    /job zone set upper
    *Looking at the block below and to the right of the entry way, I would type:*
    /job zone set lower
    /job zone order deny,allow
    /job zone allow Miner,Blacksmith
    /job zone commit yes
    Special Characters
    In config.yml, there are many options you can use to change what text is displayed to a player on certain events. Each option allows for certain special characters, denoted by a percent sign ("%"). Currently, the only supported special characters are:
    • %p - The player's name
    • %j - The player's job
    As more and more features are added, there will be more special characters to choose from.

    As an example, in config.yml, you can set the message to display to a user the first time they connect to the server (new-player-msg). If I wanted to make it welcome the new player using their name, I would use:
    new-player-msg: Welcome, %p, to The Four Kingdoms. You have joined with the default job class, %j.
    Version 2.2
    • Fixed a bug that caused errors for servers using PermissionsBukkit.
    • Added 'init.yml'. Allows individual features to be enabled/disabled.
    • Small code tweaks in the interest of performance.
    Version 2.1
    • The item value "NOTHING" can now be either "NOTHING" or "NONE", it will evaluate to the same thing.
    • Placing a "-" in front of a block or item will except it from any previous allow statements. For example:
                - ALL
                - -OBSIDIAN
                - -TNT
      Would allow all blocks, except for obsidian and TNT to be placed.
    • Placing a "+" in front of a block or item will add it to the list of allowed items/blocks, regardless of previous statements. For example:
                - NOTHING
                - +COBBLESTONE
                - +DIRT
      Would disallow all blocks, but will allow Cobblestone and dirt to still be placed.
    • Item usage on mobs and other entities now denies correctly. Restricted weapons/blocks/items no longer work on mobs.
    • Changed some output text colors, and re-worded the more "awkward" phrases.
    • New configuration option, "can-smelt" allows you to restrict what a player is capable of smelting in a furnace.
    • Configurable message structure in config.yml has been changed. Please see the provided example config.yml for an example of the new structure.
    Version 2.0

    • Configuration files renamed: "player.yml" is now "players.yml", "ticket.yml" is not "tickets.yml"
    • New configuration options: place-deny-msg, break-deny-msg, use-deny-msg, wear-deny-msg, wear-deny-inv-full-msg
    • New option: Set new player join message by changing new-player-msg in config.yml. Supports the following tokens:
      • %p - The player's name
      • %j - The player's job
    • Various text changes and optimization
    • Corrected a bug where damage done could be increased, but not set to a value below the default.
    • Corrected a bug where players could still use a restricted item to attack an entity.
    • NOTHING or ALL in a jobs permit node now correctly overrides those present in "all".
    • Cleaned up output for verbose logging servers.
    • Corrected DayJobs attempting to initialize Spout, Permissions, or other dependencies before the dependencies were initialized on the server.
    • Added support for PermissionsBukkit.
    • Corrected zones occasionally killing players when permission was denied.
    • Set death spawn locations and new player spawn locations
    • Restrictable, per-job crafting
    Version 1.3

    • Corrected a bug that prevented normal players from using commands if Permissions was not present.
    • Player names are no longer case sensitive in commands.
    • An admin job change now notifies the target player of the change.
    • New command "/job admin exempt <player>" will toggle exempt status on target <player> and disable job limitations on them until the command is run again.
    • Exempt is no longer a permission node. See above.
    • New usage options. Enter "NOTHING" under a usage node (such as "can-use" or "can-break") to remove ALL usages from that category for that job. Enter "ALL" to allow usage of everything for that category.
    • Prettier job information output :3
    Version 1.2

    • Added configurable zones
    • Added the new configuration option "can-break"
    • Fixed a bug that could return null for certain configuration options if not set
    Version 1.1

    • Added configurable armor limitations
    • Changed message colors to a more standard motif
    • Fixed a bug that prevented help output from being displayed
    • Fixed a bug that could cause a debugging console to be spammed with NullPointerExceptions
    • DayJobs now requires the server-side version of Spout
    Version 1.0

    • Initial release
    Bug reporting:

    If you encounter any bugs or errors while using this plugin, please report it ASAP. If at all possible, it is preferable that you use the issue tracker provided by GitHub. Just follow this link to open the issue tracker for DayJobs. Please be as detailed as possible about your issue, and use a service such as Pastie for including stack traces and debug output.​

    Any bugs reported on the forum will most likely be addressed, eventually. But I will guarentee a quick response time for anything submitted to the issue tracker on GitHub.​


    Like this plugin? Then consider donating! Not only will donations help keep this plugin active and alive, but for every $100 in donations I receive, I will guarantee a new release packed full of awesome new features. That's not to say I won't do releases otherwise, you don't have to worry about that. But for every $100 I'll drop whatever I'm doing and pump out a new version as fast as I possibly can! Interested? Click here to donate.

    Follow Daybreak Studios on Twitter! See updates, news, and other information related to Daybreak Studios as it happens. Also, I tend to get a bit bored while I'm working, so you can always feel free to watch me talk to myself as I work :p
    Fengi, Retaks, Parideis and 1 other person like this.
  2. Offline


    One of the players that play in my server got kicked and this appeared in the console:
    What's that? And how do I solve it?

    Thanks and regards :)
  3. Offline


    That usually means that DayJobs either couldn't find or couldn't write the 'players.yml' file that is uses to track player data. Has any player been able to connect successfully, or is it just one player who can't seem to get on?

    If no one can connect, be sure that you have the correct folder structure. You should have a series of folders in your plugins folder that look like this: "plugins/dbstudios/DayJobs". In DayJobs, there should be several .yml files, one of which should be called 'players.yml'. If this file isn't there, or it can't be written, then create a file in notepad (or any other text editor) and enter "players: {}" on the first line. Be sure to save it to plugins/dbstudios/DayJobs/players.yml. If this doesn't fix it, try downloading the current archive and unzip it in your plugins folder. Make sure to make a back up of your config.yml file first though, so you don't lose any jobs or options you've changed in the file.

    If this doesn't fix it, let me know and I'll see if I can help set things right.
  4. Offline


    I solved it, it was a problem with the file "players.yml", because after that player, none could enter the server.
    And I have another question for you. Is there any way to remove the messages when, for example, you are not allowed to craft or smelt something?

    Anyway, it's an awesome plugin, good job

    Thanks and regards :)
  5. Offline


    Hmmm. I hadn't thought about doing something like that lol :p There isn't at the moment, but I'll add it to my list of things to do
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    simply block the right to use "air"...
    Or you can use other drop to enforce the use of the axe on log. If you use any other items you won't get anything.
  8. Offline


    @Sich :) indeed i could just block the "use" of air but then i couldn't get dirt with hands, and for the otherdrop hmm it looks awesome but it is to much since the toolblock still works and super easy to use, but i was just wanting to the toolblock feature in dayjobs so i would like dayjobs more and use toolblock less :)
  9. Offline


    Sure, I can see about adding that. Shouldn't be too hard to implement :)
  10. Offline

    G1R Productions

    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO ... 12 more
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at me.dbstudios.dayjobs.DayJobs.onCommand(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at me.dbstudios.dayjobs.DJCommander.tryCommand(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    22.11 06:48:36 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'job' in plugin DayJobs v2.1
  11. Offline


    I'm going tO need a bit more information then that. What were you doing when you got this error? What other plugins are you using? Etc.
  12. Offline


    is it just me or isn't there a console support ..i really hope it is just me coz this plugin is over nice
  13. Offline


    With the 1.0.0 update, tis possible to bound enchantments?


    Did you register the new blocks from strongholds and such to what class?

    • Enchanting *Job Only* or Profession!
    • --> Potion restrictions? Negative ~ Dark Magic, Normal ~ Normal Enchanters, etc? (Idea)
    • New Blocks *Job Only*builder?
    Also, Spout just release dev version for client to 1.0.0

    Actually if you'd like to talk offline, that be sweet! I mean on-chat.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  14. Offline


    I'm having trouble with the can-craft and can-smelt functions. The plugin is not checking whenever you craft or smelt something, so I can't restrict anything. Anyone can craft or smelt whatever they want.

    Here is my config.yml and the init.yml
    Config (WARNING!: It's kind of extensive :/) (open)
    enabled: true
    debug: true
    default-job: Desempleado
    override-bed-spawn: false
    instant-first-job-change: true
    give-kit-on-first-change: false
    give-kit-on-all-change: false
    place-deny-msg: Este objeto es muy pesado para ti como para moverlo...
    break-deny-msg: No estas seguro de como hacer eso...
    use-deny-msg: No sabes como usar eso...
    wear-deny-msg: Es demasiado pesado para ti...
    wear-deny-inv-full-msg: Dejaste tu armadura porque no podias cargar mas cosas.
    new-player-msg: ¡Bienvenido, %p, a Terra Nova! Tu empleo actual es %j.
    craft-deny-msg: No sabes como combinar las cosas que tienes frente a ti...
    respawn-msg: Te desmayaste, por suerte alguien te rescato...
    smelt-deny-msg: No sabes como usar el horno...
    - ALL
    - -SEEDS
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - ALL
    - -CACTUS
    - -SEEDS
    - -SAPLING
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -LOG
    - -SAPLING
    - -LAPIS_ORE
    - -GOLD_ORE
    - -COAL_ORE
    - -IRON_ORE
    - -STONE
    - -CACTUS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - -BED
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - -PAPER
    - -BREAD
    - -CAKE
    - -FURNACE
    - -RAIL
    - -CHEST
    - -JUKEBOX
    - -WOOL
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -WOOD_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - +RAW_FISH
    - +RAW_BEEF
    friendly-name: Desempleado
    bio: A person who hasn't got a job yet
    - ALL
    - -SEEDS
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - ALL
    - -CACTUS
    - -SEEDS
    - -SAPLING
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -LOG
    - -SAPLING
    - -LAPIS_ORE
    - -GOLD_ORE
    - -COAL_ORE
    - -IRON_ORE
    - -STONE
    - -CACTUS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - -BED
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - -PAPER
    - -BREAD
    - -CAKE
    - -FURNACE
    - -RAIL
    - -CHEST
    - -JUKEBOX
    - -WOOL
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -WOOD_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - +RAW_FISH
    - +RAW_BEEF
    friendly-name: Miner
    bio: A miner, skilled at extracting ore and minerals from the earth.
    - ALL
    - -SEEDS
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -WOOD_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - ALL
    - -CACTUS
    - -SEEDS
    - -SAPLING
    - -CACTUS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -LOG
    - -SAPLING
    - -CACTUS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - -BED
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - -PAPER
    - -BREAD
    - -CAKE
    - -FURNACE
    - -RAIL
    - -CHEST
    - -JUKEBOX
    - -WOOL
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -WOOD_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - +RAW_FISH
    - +RAW_BEEF
    friendly-name: Lumberjack
    bio: A tough person, capable of chopping down the hardest tree.
    - ALL
    - -SEEDS
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - ALL
    - -CACTUS
    - -SEEDS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -LAPIS_ORE
    - -GOLD_ORE
    - -COAL_ORE
    - -IRON_ORE
    - -STONE
    - -CACTUS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - -BED
    - -PAPER
    - -BREAD
    - -CAKE
    - -FURNACE
    - -RAIL
    - -CHEST
    - -JUKEBOX
    - -WOOL
    - -SHEARS
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - +RAW_FISH
    - +RAW_BEEF
    friendly-name: Farmer
    bio: A talented person capable of work the earth.
    - ALL
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - ALL
    - -SAPLING
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -LOG
    - -SAPLING
    - -LAPIS_ORE
    - -GOLD_ORE
    - -COAL_ORE
    - -IRON_ORE
    - -STONE
    - ALL
    - -BED
    - -PAPER
    - -BREAD
    - -CAKE
    - -FURNACE
    - -RAIL
    - -CHEST
    - -JUKEBOX
    - -WOOL
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -WOOD_AXE
    - +RAW_FISH
    - +RAW_BEEF
    friendly-name: Smith
    bio: An artisan skilled in crafting and smelting, and can create nearly any good.
    - ALL
    - -SEEDS
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - ALL
    - -CACTUS
    - -SEEDS
    - -SAPLING
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -LOG
    - -SAPLING
    - -LAPIS_ORE
    - -GOLD_ORE
    - -COAL_ORE
    - -IRON_ORE
    - -STONE
    - -CACTUS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - -BED
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - -PAPER
    - -BREAD
    - -CAKE
    - -FURNACE
    - -RAIL
    - -CHEST
    - -JUKEBOX
    - -WOOL
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -WOOD_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - ALL
    friendly-name: Mercader
    bio: A master of trading, the Mercader provides comfort and accessibilty to the economy..
    - ALL
    - -SEEDS
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - ALL
    - -CACTUS
    - -SEEDS
    - -SAPLING
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -LOG
    - -SAPLING
    - -LAPIS_ORE
    - -GOLD_ORE
    - -COAL_ORE
    - -IRON_ORE
    - -STONE
    - -CACTUS
    - -WHEAT
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - ALL
    - -MELON
    - -PUMPKIN
    - -SHEARS
    - -GOLD_AXE
    - -IRON_AXE
    - -STONE_AXE
    - -WOOD_AXE
    - -GOLD_HOE
    - -IRON_HOE
    - -STONE_HOE
    - -WOOD_HOE
    - +RAW_FISH
    - +RAW_BEEF

    Init (just in case you want to look at it) (open)
    enable-block-place-handler: true
    enable-block-break-handler: true
    enable-armor-handler: true
    enable-craft-handler: true
    enable-smelt-handler: true
    enable-item-use-handler: true
    enable-zone-handler: false
    enable-respawn-handler: false
    enable-damage-handler: true

    What I want to happen (open)
    Basically, I want everyone (independently of the job the players choose) to be able of building their own houses, use all the things, wear all the armors, but not to be able of getting wood, minerals/gems, food (by farming), smelt (except for cooking), or craft any furniture.
    So, there are 5 jobs:
    Lumberjack: The only one capable of getting wood (and planting saplings to reforest), and the only capable of crafting axes.
    Miner: The only one capable of getting minerals/gems, and the only capable of crafting pickaxes
    Farmer: The only allowed to farm anything (wheat, sugar cane, pumpkins, melons; and the only one who can shear the sheeps), and the only allowed to craft hoes
    Smith: The only who can smelt anything
    Mercader: The only who can craft all kind of furniture

    If you didn't understand the idea, please tell me, since I'm not english (so my english sucks) and it's hard to express the idea

    Thanks and regards
  15. Offline


    Hello. Is it possible to restrict one jobe from planting seeds? And from breaking wheat.
    Here's part of config, that I've tried to use, but it looks to be wrong.
    Show Spoiler

    - ALL
    - -SEEDS
    - -WHEAT
    - ALL
    - ALL
    - -WHEAT
    - -SEEDS
  16. Offline


    i had the same issue but found out it isn't named "seed" or "seeds" but "crops"
    the full list is
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Thanks I have the same issue :)
  19. Offline


    Your welcome :)
  20. Offline


    To everyone:
    First off, I want to apologize for my long absence. Some personal matters came up, and after resolving what I needed to, I got swammped with school work. Should be back for a good while though, and once the winter break starts up I'll have even more time to devote to DayJobs.
    Next, I have to address an issue that came up due to how long I went without working on DayJobs.
    My code no longer makes sense to me o_o I was looking over it the other day, and it confused me immensly. Can't say I wasn't expecting that though, after going so long without working on it. That said, I wanted to let you all know that I'll be rewriting DayJobs from the ground up for the next release. This will not only give me a chance to familiarize myself with my own code again, but it will also let me fix some bugs and optimize my plugin. Also, I wanted to use this as a chance to add in as many new, requested features as possible. Since it'll take me two or three days to rewrite the core code of DayJobs, you all have that long to come up with your best ideas that you'd like to see added to DayJobs. Just post about them and explain what you'd like to see, and I will do my best to add as many as possible :)
  21. Offline


    Welcome back !

    It can be a good thing to restart from scratch, always good to learn ;)
    Add comment in your code, it's very usefull (I code only in php).

    Dayjobs is a very good plugin at this time, but some thing that can be good :
    - Permissions support > this can permit to assign different job for each world. You can give the job 'all' with all permission to "disable" dayjobs, or be miner on one world, farmer on one other, etc. And with this we can manage all our plugin through permission (OtherDrop, ModifyWorld, DayJobs).

    - Fix the right click issu (like hoe). Any idea about the shears for the sheep ?

    - Take some thing in the OtherDrops package. Like only wood cutter can drop log, but the other can destroy the block without any drop. Or only farmer can drop food from the passive mobs. But for me you have to let this on the otherdrop package, and concentrate on what the player can do. If you use permission it would be easy to create group for each job with a lot of perm from many plugin.

    - I have another idea, try to speak with the guys from PermissionEx. They have include the ModifyWorld package. With this you can choose what each player can do in the world (with a lot of permission). But not as far as DayJobs can do. For me the best thing is to integer DayJobs in the Modifyworld package. It will be a very complete tools to manage what each player can do on the different world.

    - The last thing is the food type idea that I have published on the bukkit dev forum. The user need to eat all or at least a lot of different food type to replain is food bar. This to "force" player to eat fish, or mushroom or cake or what the admin want. I have publish another topic here : if you want some idea... Perhaps use this in a different mod.

    - oh, and perhaps could you add some "environment" management. Like to block to drop wheat when you send water. Perhaps just destroy the block but no drop. This can avoid to try to bypass the job restrictions.

    Good luck :)
  22. Offline


    Welcome back.

    1: Well i would really like the multi-world/multi-role (like Sich said)
    2: some form of sign support to change roles with a fee for changing (right now i use serversign for this)
    3: Hmm i was thinking something with the chest like role-bound so all miners can use one chest but got away from the idea by my cat doing something he shouldn't :) oh well
    4: the right click issue "Bows, Fishing rods, hoe" i haven't tested if i cake eat cake ...mmmm cake

    Sich has many good ideas he full of them
    other then that Love your plugin so remaking it i hope i'll love it more
  23. Offline


    Love your ideas :) And you pointed out something, the using water to drop wheat and stuff. Short of stopping that from _ever_ happening, I'm not sure how I would go about doing that on a per player basis, but I can look into it.
    Multiworld is definitely something I'll be adding. The old versions had it, to a degree, but not as mcuh as I would have liked. I'll be making as much stuff multiworld as possible this time around. Sign support will also be added, and I'm looking into using Spout (for those that use Spout with this plugin) to add a new block, what I plan on calling the Job Registrar, and UI to allow players and admins to work with the job change system.
    If anyone else has any ideas, just let me know :)
  24. Offline


    Happy to see you back!

    Would it be possible to add the possibility to use this plugin to create a sort of "thief" or "jungle hunter" job? Low health, drop/craft are already "easily" made but it would be interesting to allow one to climb blocks vertically (like ladders) and/or to walk/run faster.

    Also, as Spout allows the addition of new blocks, is it possible to support such new blocks (and/or items) with Dayjobs?

    Another request which might be something our server's team couldn't find out is to fix a bug:
    Currently, the plugin prevents the game from producing sound effects for damage and effects (red flash, knockback, etc). If it's already configurable, how can we change that?
    Also, we're unable to find how to change the fall damages! We always loose half or all our life when falling...
    Both of these problems are extremly annoying.

    Kind of nooby post and I'm sorry about that...
  25. Offline


    Hey Tyler,
    Been loving the updates your making. I am really excited to see where this is going. I still remember the first time you came up with the idea...
    Welcome home, I can't wait to see the next update!

  26. Offline


    Spout's custom blocks will be supported in the next release, version 3.0. I knew about the lack of support, and in order fix that, it required a complete overhaul of the entire item matching system. Which is why I put it off until now.
    As for accelerating horizontal movement, that is something I've had planned for a while. I plan on adding it into version 3 as well. Climbing blocks, however, was something I'd never considered. I'll definitely look into that, it's a fantastic idea :)
    I was unaware of the damage effects issue. I'll see what I can do about that, should be an easy fix.
    Thanks! :)
  27. Offline


    any idea when you'll be able to finish 3.0? yours is the last plug in we are waiting for to open up our server again. people already start nagging me about it so i'll do anything i can for them and nag you :D
  28. Offline


    Ahahaha ^_^ I'm working as fast as I can. As part of the rewrite, I wanted to make each feature modular, that way it would simply be a matter of dropping modules into a special folder. I just finished the system a few hours ago, and re-establishing the original functionality of DayJobs using this system should be a simple matter. I'm hoping I'll have 3.0 within the next few days, containing all the features DayJobs had up to version 2.0. That's just a rough estimate though. It's alot of stuff to do on my own :p I'll let you all know when I have a more definite idea of when I'll release, but like I said, three or four more days of work should be enough to get something stable out.
  29. Offline



    I have trouble with the Brick (block id : 45), but I don't understand why the users can't craft it...
    Here is my config for this job :

                - ALL
                - -BED
                - -STICK
                - -WOOD
                - -BOOKSHELF
                - -WOOD_STAIRS
                - -CHEST
                - -WORKBENCH
                - -SIGN_POST
                - -WOODEN_DOOR
                - -LADDER
                - -LEVER
                - -WOOD_PLATE
                - -WOOD_SPADE
                - -WOOD_AXE
                - -WOOD_PICKAXE
                - -WOOD_SWORD
                - -JUKEBOX
                - -FENCE
                - -TRAP_DOOR
                - -FENCE_GATE
                - -NOTE_BLOCK
                - -BOW
                - -BOWL
                - -ARROW
                - -PAINTING
                - -BOAT
                - -FISHING_ROD
                - -DISPENSER
                - -POWERED_RAIL
                - -RAILS
                - -DETECTOR_RAIL
                - -FURNACE
                - -LAPIS_BLOCK
                - -COBBLESTONE_STAIRS
                - -SMOOTH_STAIRS
                - -SMOOTH_BRICK
                - -MINECART
                - -COMPASS
                - -STONE_BUTTON
                - -STONE_AXE
                - -STONE_SPADE
                - -STONE_PICKAXE
                - -STONE_SWORD
                - -STONE_HOE
                - -STONE_PLATE
                - -IRON_AXE
                - -IRON_SPADE
                - -IRON_PICKAXE
                - -IRON_SWORD
                - -IRON_HOE
                - -IRON_INGOT
                - -IRON_BLOCK
                - -IRON_DOOR
                - -IRON_FENCE
                - -IRON_HELMET
                - -IRON_CHESTPLATE
                - -IRON_LEGGINGS
                - -IRON_BOOTS
                - -BUCKET
                - -GOLD_AXE
                - -GOLD_SPADE
                - -GOLD_PICKAXE
                - -GOLD_SWORD
                - -GOLD_HOE
                - -GOLD_INGOT
                - -GOLD_BLOCK
                - -GOLD_HELMET
                - -GOLD_CHESTPLATE
                - -GOLD_LEGGINGS
                - -GOLD_BOOTS
                - -DIAMOND_AXE
                - -DIAMOND_SPADE
                - -DIAMOND_PICKAXE
                - -DIAMOND_SWORD
                - -DIAMOND_HOE
                - -DIAMOND_BLOCK
                - -DIAMOND
                - -DIAMOND_HELMET
                - -DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE
                - -DIAMOND_LEGGINGS
                - -DIAMOND_BOOTS
                - -SHEARS
    Any idea for this problem ?

    same problem but with the fence (85) and another job, here is the can-craft config :

                - ALL
                - -CROPS
                - -DISPENSER
                - -POWERED_RAIL
                - -RAILS
                - -DETECTOR_RAIL
                - -FURNACE
                - -LAPIS_BLOCK
                - -COBBLESTONE_STAIRS
                - -SMOOTH_STAIRS
                - -SMOOTH_BRICK
                - -MINECART
                - -COMPASS
                - -STONE_BUTTON
                - -STONE_AXE
                - -STONE_SPADE
                - -STONE_PICKAXE
                - -STONE_SWORD
                - -STONE_HOE
                - -STONE_PLATE
                - -IRON_AXE
                - -IRON_SPADE
                - -IRON_PICKAXE
                - -IRON_SWORD
                - -IRON_HOE
                - -IRON_INGOT
                - -IRON_BLOCK
                - -IRON_DOOR
                - -IRON_FENCE
                - -IRON_HELMET
                - -IRON_CHESTPLATE
                - -IRON_LEGGINGS
                - -IRON_BOOTS
                - -BUCKET
                - -GOLD_AXE
                - -GOLD_SPADE
                - -GOLD_PICKAXE
                - -GOLD_SWORD
                - -GOLD_HOE
                - -GOLD_INGOT
                - -GOLD_BLOCK
                - -GOLD_HELMET
                - -GOLD_CHESTPLATE
                - -GOLD_LEGGINGS
                - -GOLD_BOOTS
                - -DIAMOND_AXE
                - -DIAMOND_SPADE
                - -DIAMOND_PICKAXE
                - -DIAMOND_SWORD
                - -DIAMOND_HOE
                - -DIAMOND_BLOCK
                - -DIAMOND
                - -DIAMOND_HELMET
                - -DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE
                - -DIAMOND_LEGGINGS
                - -DIAMOND_BOOTS
                - -SHEARS
                - -WOOL
                - -CLAY
                - -BRICK_STAIRS
                - -BRICK
                - -SUGAR
                - -CAKE
                - -BREAD
                - -INK_SACK
                - -MUSHROOM_SOUP
                - -LEATHER_HELMET
                - -LEATHER_CHESTPLATE
                - -LEATHER_LEGGINGS
                - -LEATHER_BOOTS
                - -GOLDEN_APPLE
                - -PAPER
                - -BOOK
                - -COOKIE
                - -MAP
                - -PUMPKIN_SEEDS
                - -MELON_SEEDS
                - -MELON_BLOCK
                - -JACK_O_LANTERN
                - -THIN_GLASS
  30. Offline


    Hmmm... It's hard to say, perhaps there's something in your all configuration that's preventing it from working like you would like? Although, it could simply be a bug.... One of the reasons I went down the route of simply rewriting all of DayJobs, there were too many small bugs to fix on my own. I'll be sure any issues like this are completely resolved before I release version 3 :)
  31. Offline


    hum ok, I will wait.
    Any news about this new version ? :)

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