Rolling Bulletin LED(torch) Board

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Buildoholic, Feb 9, 2012.

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    here is my idea of an message board that could be very fun in minecraft

    i want somthing like this photo

    i also made an example ingame how it shuld look like

    So whoever want to make it then go ahead becouse i cant find any plugin like this

    please comment and tell me if its an good idea

    anyone out there who can make this possible???

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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    It's definately doable...though depending on the implementation (how fast it's scrolling, how big it is), there's potential to put strain on the server. There's a plugin out there that scrolls messages on signs, you may want to consider that. Essentially the same thing, except in an LED display's case, there would be some extra math/loops/processing time to "render" each character onto the screen, each animation step. Anyway, if it's really something you're interested in, I'd be willing to do it for a small fee... or I can just point you in the right direction for free.
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    well i have no idea how to script a plugin but i am willing to learn but how mouch do u need to make it
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    Whatever you feel it's worth, a donation of any kind is always appreciated.
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    well it dont have to scroll i mean it can also be a sign that it changes text in intervals

    it changes every 1 min or whatever we want it

    but the scrolling can be optionale forexempel
    Left to right
    right to left
    up to down
    down to up
    bu i want it simple

    is 15 dollar good and money is no problem at all

    add me on skype and we can speak about it there

    skype name buildoholic
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