
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sukar42, Sep 30, 2018.

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    There is a part of this plugin that is not working it seems to be the only part not working. this part of the plugin is called dayannounce when it runs the update for the date it will make a message in chat telling the players what the new date is. this should happen after the sun rises. this message is not playing. i believe i have narrowed it down to 2 files MineCal/src/com/nisovin/MineCal/ line 92-103 or MineCal/src/com/nisovin/MineCal/ ... i think the problem is that a method? has been changed since the last update of this plugin. i have no idea how to code or make it into a class file. but i do need this feature fixed

    public void advanceDay() {
    if (announce) {
    String s = getDateString();
    Player[] players = getServer().getOnlinePlayers();
    for (Player p : players) {
    if (p.getWorld().getName().equals(worldName)) {
  2. If you can't code yourself, there is no point in trying to fix this issue. (Even after you fixed it, you will either get the author to update the plug-in or build the plug-in yourself (which you can't)).

    All you can do is create an Issue on his github and hope that the author will fix it quickly.
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