Right Click Commands

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by coolzakL, Jul 6, 2016.

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    Plugin category: General/Mechanics/Misc

    Minecraft version: Minecraft 1.10

    Suggested name: RightClickCommands

    What I want: I'm looking for a plugin that will allow me to create right clickable items (through config or through an in-game command) with a custom name & lore that I can give to players. When the player right clicks the item, I want the item to run a set command through console. I also need the ability to target the player that right clicked (some sort of placeholder for the player name such as <player>).

    Ideas for commands:
    - /rightclick setup
    Allows you to set up a right-clickable item, including what the item is (with name & lore) and what command the item runs.

    Ideas for permissions:
    - rightclick.<itemname>
    Gives the player a permission to use the item as defined in the config/plugin.

    - rightclick.setup
    Allows you to run /rightclick setup

    When I'd like it by: ASAP

    Extra Note: I'm aware of CraftBook's command item feature, which is exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for. Sadly, CraftBook's command items don't work on my server. I can create the items, but they will not right-click, even when I'm OP. That's why I'm looking for another plugin that can accomplish what CraftBook's command items could.
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    Ill attempt to make this plugin rn

    Ill add more features some other time.
    Rn it doesnt have perms ill add those soon
    And the Item Names dont support color codes but the item lore does

    Minecraft 1.10:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2017
    frederikbbb likes this.
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