Restore Certain Region Files?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by SpencerB, Jul 15, 2011.

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    Alright, long story short a large part of the map was Worldedited.
    I have a 4 days old backup up my world, and I'd rather not restore it all to lose progress on all the work I put in the last 4 days. Is it possible to find out the region(s) that were world edited and copy my old region files over but keep intact of my work that wasn't worldedited?
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    I would download MCEdit, take the backup, select the region that has been affected, export it, open up the current world file, import the region you had selected from the back up, and replace it. Then put the final world file into the server and enjoy. (The select chunk and align chunk features will help for matching up the selection.)
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