I want something like a fullautomatic trainline with stations. Which for exsample comes to a station. Waits there for 2minutes. And then depart on its own again to the next station.
You're not too bright. CraftBook is not compatible with Bukkit at ALL. It's a very very nice plugin, but sadly it does not work for Bukkit. Ontopic: Moe, you can do this. It's very hard so it will require some effort. Just screw around with redstone and minecart boosters and you will eventually get it.
YET... http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/craftbook-25-feb-were-on-track-release-this-saturday-pst.2724/ (let's not start making unfounded accusations about people's intelligence, eh?)
Minecart mania. Simple answer. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-minecart-mania-v0-98b-420-1-3-compatible.388/