[Request] Special block or other mechanism to keep a chunk loaded

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by DeLux, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Offline



    one of the more annoying things about Minecraft is that chunks unload when you go too far away. For people trying to set up a distant base where they travel via some teleport mechanism that means in the base they aren't currently working, trees won't grow, mobs won't spawn, grass won't spread, etc.

    I have a server that can handle a lot more than I have players (which are all actual friends), and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would only be too happy for a plugin like this and easily able to afford the extra load (especially since even a dozen loaded chunks should be much less load than even a single extra player).

    The way I pictured the actual mechanics: the admin, or someone with the right permissions to prevent abuse places a special block, or maybe a sign with a special text (if a non admin tries to place a sign with that text, it would just turn into a collectible item again). Then, when the last player leaves the area with the chunk, the chunk would not get unloaded but continue to 'exist' and progress in time, as if a player was near it.

    Would that be possible somehow ? I'm getting tired of people having to leave their chars logged in all night just to make some grass grow to a distant place and stuff like that.
    --- merged: Feb 1, 2011 6:22 PM ---
    Is this too complicated or is just nobody interested ?
  2. Offline


    This is possible but it is very hard to test!~
    I can try to make one if i have time but do you know a way to test it???
  3. Offline


    It shouldn't be too difficult by any means. It would probably be easier to use a command tied to an area.

    For an example if you go "/setarea" as the command, it could log that players current position into a flat file, and then when the chunk unload event is called, you check the file if that position is within that chunk, and if so, set the unload to cancelled.

    In theory, that would work I believe.
  4. Offline


    Yes, that would be a very simple and reasonable solution. As for testing, the only way I can think of is to plant something and see if it grows - not exactly something that would be instant. Although, I believe that mobs and animals disappear when a chunk is unloaded, so some area with animals should work as a test ground because you could see if the same animals are still there when you return.
  5. Offline


    a good test would be a saddled pig in a fenced off area, the pig shouldn't despawn if the area is loaded(not sure if it has to be lighted too) the saddle would be how you can "mark" the pig to see if its the same pig.
  6. Offline


    Test: Just do 64 sand into a furnace and make it to glas, that takes 10minutes... then port away from it, wait 2minutes, port back and you'll see how mutch glas it has burned^^
  7. Offline


    Or color sheep :)
  8. Offline


    yeah that too, i forget that I'm playing beta sometimes
  9. Offline


    Ok i gonna try to make this today :p
    I will post it here and maybe you guys can try to test it ;)
    I try too :p
  10. Offline


    That would be awesome!
  11. Offline


    Are we still waiting for that plugin? :D

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