[Request] ResetPlayers (PLUGIN)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by reboxer, Jun 21, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Admin tools

    Suggested name: FullResetPlayer

    What I want: I want the plugin to execute the command clears the inventory (including enderchest) user put in <username>
    to restart the user money and send it to the group "default" plugin to use permissions and groups (group manager)
    and finally permanently ban the user showing that the reason you write to [reason] or temporarily ban the user but the server using / frp temp command (TIME IN MINUTES)

    Ideas for commands:
    /frp <UserName> [Reason],
    /frp temp <UserName> <Time> [Reason]

    < > required to run the command
    [ ] optional

    Ideas for permissions: frp.reset (to use the command /frp <UserName> [Reason])
    frp.reset.temp (to use the command /frp <UserName> <Time> [Reason])

    When I'd like it by: My English is not very full so do not really understand if this so to speak "option" to create the "post" means how long I want to finish the plugin, if that time does not matter as I am not of those people who want everything right away, minimum one month I hope to create this plugin, I guess not if you take 1 month or less if it takes more than 1 month no matter, take your time but do not take much xD
  2. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    reboxer This probably won't reset the player in every plugin you have though.
  3. Offline


    many people saw the issue but nobody says
    Can anyone do me the plugin? :c
  4. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    reboxer You did read what I said right? And why the time option? Storing and restoring everything seems kinda useless to me, why not just tempban them?
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    But do both is what I ask? I just ask that using that command I can ban people permanently or temporarily and when he bans temporarily or permanently deletes them inventory (enderchest included) change their group to "default" and reboot them money.
    who wants to create the plugin and need information about the plugins that use groups, economina, etc we will gladly give you.
    and I add two commands / frp ban <username> [reason] and / frp tempban <username> the command / frp ban is what I would do without deleting permanently ban the user without deleting the inventory (either enderchest), or reset the money or anything.
    and other / frp tempban what I would do is temporarily ban and do not delete anything like the above command.
    and the text that appears when you banned when trying to enter the display shows the date, who ban you, then expires and rason, that everything can be configured in the config.yml if they want a "guide" of how I would like to appears the text look at this plugin, this is how I would like to: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/custom-ban-plugin/
    hopefully not too much to ask.
  6. Offline


    To be honest, with what you want developers like us to do is extremely unclear. We need to know your economy plugin. Also, I don't know, (anybody correct me if I am wrong) if you can edit enderchest space and clear it. I would go with the ban plugin above for that too.

    Its usually best to go with a few plugins instead of trying to get a developer to create an all in one.
  7. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    colin350 Try to hook into Vault instead, economy issue fixed.
    You can see the ender chest content, you can edit the content
  8. Offline


    colin350 timtower these are some plugins that I have to see if it helps them in something, I leave that would seem to me that something with the plugin, I have little idea of what they need. xd
    plugins: essentials (all of essentials, essentials chat, etc), group manager, vault, Iconomy, playerVault.
  9. reboxer So you want a full reset to happen to the player if you use the command. I think its a little harsh fully resetting them but its your plugin also I don't get why you want to reset there things if they are permanently banned they can't come on anyway, so all items will be lost like they technically are when you already permanently ban someone.
  10. Offline


    Why not just use a plugin that allows you to list console commands to be ran under an alias command?
    I think this can be done with MyCommand.

    I am sure your economy plugin has a console command that can be executed that will set a players balance. I am also sure there is a command in your permissions plugin to set the player to a different group.
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    extended_clip bwfcwalshy timtower colin350
    I ask because this plugin is for a server "role jail" and I need it as it is to ban people permanently and you delete everything, as if it had never entered and I want to temporarily ban people who use hacks or does not respect the server rules and ask you why you can delete all inventory, etc because when returning from temporary ban can continue playing with nothing.
    I also want the other command / frp tempban <username> to ban people temporarily without erase anything to people who did something so serious.
    sorry for this mess I make them but I'm not a programmer is or anything and I think that doing this is not that hard and it is very simple to do.
    excuse for everything.
  12. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    reboxer Not very simple to do, not with all those plugins to monitor.
  13. reboxer you wouldn't be able to reset other plugins or it may cause errors and we dont know which plugins the server has and what info it needs to remove.
  14. Offline


    reboxer bwfcwalshy timtower Perhaps could you do a scenario when you do /frp tempban, it runs all commands of "resetting" the player, and then tempbans them? The only issue I am aware of is reseting a player after they are forced logged out.

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