[Request] Penalise In fight disconnection ?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by jycs, May 13, 2012.


Good ?

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  1. Offline


    Hello !

    Someone else would be interested in a plugin which penalizes any player logging out after suffering damage?

    By losing of half the stuff, x of money ...

    We wan't a dev !
  2. Offline


    Which kind of penality are you thinking about?

    MfG Xenira

    EDIT: Sry hadn't seen it. I will try something ;)
  3. Offline


    Thank you, really.

    it could be done better, if the player was penalized only if he is almost dead
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    This looks like what your serching for ;).
    Do you still need my work or do you want to use combat-tag?
    Would be nice, if you let me know,if my work is still needed.

    MfG Xenira
  6. Offline


    This has nothing to do with the plugin but,

    don't sign your posts. We can see your username. I don't know why, but when people sign their posts it really pisses me off.

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