[Request] Auto Promote

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MRDRMUFN, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. Offline


    (*Im looking for an auto promote plugin that runs off the time stored in the ulx utimem mysql db. Also im wondering if its possible to create a relationship between minecraft username and their steamID.*)

    the UtimeM table looks like this (index,globalid,totalTime,lastVisit,steamid,playerName,team)

    Im basically trying to make our communities game servers as integrated as possible with identical ranks and powers, i am looking to make it so that players can earn game time and credit no matter which iG server they play on, and allow them to chat with their friends via irc global server chat.

    edit: btw we run 3 garrysmod servers, and one minecraft
  2. Offline


    I would also like a plugin like this for my server. I might start to make one now... but i won't get the mysql table to sync if i don't program the other end plugin for your other server.

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