Plugin category: Votifier Listener Suggested name: VoteForGamemode What I want: I would like a Votifier Listener that allows a player that votes, to receive creative mode for 24 hours (lets say every time someone breaks a block it checks the list). I do NOT want it in memory, as if the server reloads, the list gets deleted. ( So a folder with a list would be nice) **EDIT** If you will do it, and need to do it using memory in the plugin, you may, but i would prefer it the way stated above ^^ **EDIT**. I would also like it, so when you lose creative mode, when you fall, (The first fall after loosing creative only) you do not take damage or die. Ideas for commands: No commands needed. Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed. (at least i dont think) When I'd like it by: As soon as possible Thanks -Gwism
Just a heads up... bumping your own thread is frowned upon. Anyway the plugin would be best to hold the data in memory while occasionally updating the file because reading from a file is slow. Every start-up would read from the file into memory though. Anyway, if someone is interested in it they should look at the source for something like Votifier.
I don't know much about votifier (because I think the idea is retarded unless you're doing it as a business) but regardless if it accepts plugins to that plugin the rest of what I said still stands.