[Req] Visual Multi-World Portals

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by BonesTheRabbit, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hello folks!

    I did some searching around, but I can't quite seem to find what I'm after, and I'm not sure if it's even possible, or if it's already been created. Basically, what I'm looking for is a multi-world transport plugin that utilizes portal tiles for the visual effect (Effect is more important than the tiles used, though); preferably without sign-use and flexible building materials, though I'm not picky on those aspects. I'm just not really getting a good feel walking into a gateway and instantly transporting without any kind of stop or effect.

    Essentially, I'm just looking for a multi-world portal plugin that uses the nether portal visual effect. If it's not possible, then that's cool and I at least know I can stop looking in vain. But if it's already been developed, it'd be greatly appreciated by me, personally. Thanks ahead of time for any assistance, and for reading my little request.

  2. In the meantime, I'm a big fan of sticking water inside a standard portal shaped arch. It seems to stay within the confines of the portal structure.
  3. Offline



    This particular Stargate mod is entirely configurable down to gate shapes and the portal material, and I've used it on my server for the better part of the last six months without fail. Signs are still required for defining the source, destination, and settings, but if you use the Always-On attribute, you can easily put the sign on the back of the gate or simply leave it where it is. The customizable gates are honestly one of my favourite features though.
  4. Offline


    I really like that stargate mod, because it uses the portal tile. But is there any way to put a delay on the speed at which it teleports a player? Like a few seconds would be fine. The instant move is just kind of disorienting, and it'd be awesome to simply utilize the effect that already exists but using the built-in teleport before it gets the chance to move a player into the Nether.

    Another note, if there's any mod that allows the placement of portal tiles without them destroying themselves when next to another piece, any teleport plugin would just need a delay to add a makeshift nether visual effect.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  5. Offline


    Unfortunately, if you use the portal tiles and a delay, the portal tiles have a default behavior that teleports you to the nether. As far as the portal tile auto-rotations and destruction goes, I don't have anything in mind to change that behavior, to the best of my knowledge, they're handled by Minecraft automatically for now.
  6. Offline


    I don't understand. It teleports fine when placed on portal tiles. Could the script that triggers the player location change simply be delayed by a few seconds? Basically just under how long portal tiles take to teleport a player to the nether? Like, it takes about 7 seconds to teleport to the nether. Could the existing script that teleports a player simply be delayed by 5 seconds when entering the appropriate tile? Or is that impossible?
  7. Offline


    You could easily delay the teleport, but the time that it takes to teleport to the Nether is inconsistent due to network latency. I'll take a look into it for you if you'd like since it's part of a project that I'm currently working on anyway, but I can't make any promises on availability timeframe.

  8. Offline


    Actually, inconsistency is fine. I sort of assumed that lag would influence it. Since my server is going to be (It isn't fully ready for live yet) a roleplaying server, it'd actually be somewhat fitting. Basically, any accidental ports to the nether would be a gate error. I mean come on, using magical artifacts that rip you between dimensions should have -some- level of danger, right? =P
  9. Offline


    I don't know whether you still need it, but I think I have a solution you might be interested in.
    I had the exact same problem and I solved it by using 2 Addons (or 3 including multiverse).
    I am using Voxel Port for the Teleportation and build a visual Portal using Voxel Sniper. Because the Portal Tiles always despawn if you place them without a proper frame with the right shape and size, you have to place them using Voxel Snipers No physics brush, so the portal tiles just stay where you placed them. Using the Voxel Sniper you can build Portals of all sizes and shapes and use them for teleportation with VoxelPort. You can also set up your own delay. In addition to that I deactivated allow_nether in the server properties. This disables the default "teleport to nether" behaviour of the portal tiles. You can still teleport to the nether using voxelport so you dont need it anyway.

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