[REQ]Unique Books

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by riuthamus, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    The ability to create a book and give it a string, or two, that is displayed in chat when right clicked ( while holding )

    You could have this in a flatfile and it could look something like this:

    line1: first line of text that is out
    line2: second line of text
    Other configurable options would be title of book with color, so:

    color: BLUE
    line1: first line of text that is out
    line2: second line of text
    You could even add permissions support so only people with permissions could read books. This would allow RP servers to let certain classes such as mages or sages be able to read the books.
  2. Offline


    Different book text depending on permissions - Insta in-game info about your rp class.

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