[REQ] Tall Mountain / Shallow Earth Generator

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mabobber, May 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I have always adored large mountains in Minecraft. They're hard to come by and when you find one you like it is ugly or deformed, usually. Not to mention, it would seem Minecrafts default terrain generator keeps the earth surface pretty near the same height consistently.

    I often wonder if it would be possible through Worldedit or a similar plugin, to generate an area lowered with say, 5-20 blocks above bedrock and the surface being around that height consistently, allowing for much taller mountains, and hopefully creating them too.

    They'd have to be nice mountains, or maybe not. If it's possible to choose whether you want tall and gradual, or short and steep (etc) that would be ideal.

    Until Notch raises the height limit, I feel like this is the only way. I want so badly to build a grand mountain city, but for that I need grand mountains.
  2. Offline


    World Edit might help you.
  3. Offline


    By that you mean...?
  4. Offline


    I mean that you can level or drop large sections of the terrain quickly and from a distance in order to set up your world with high mountains.

    It won't auto generate but it could help you get the desired effect until something better comes along.

    Also search seeds. I have found some amazing seeds searching "minecraftforums best seeds" in google.
  5. Offline


    You're totally missing the point here. A 50 block high mountain is not what I'm looking for. The tallest ones are rarely larger than that. I'm talking 100 high. I know I can lower the terrain with worldedit. But then Im left with the same, just lower down. Building a realistic mountain with world edit? Come on.

    There is a generator built into worldedit. I'm hoping that this generator can be tweeked / added to in order to reach this end. Ideally, a 750 block radius area with huge mountains is what I'm after.

    ^Why I am here.
  6. Offline


    You can lower the valleys and raise the mountains with WorldEdit.

    I understand why you want this plugin... I'm not trying to negate it's possible usefulness. I'm just suggesting temporary workarounds.

    Sorry if my intent wasn't clear or welcome.

    Oh also... you might talk to the creator of HigherSkies. His work is along these lines.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  7. Offline


    I'll try and do that, thanks.

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