It is allready in the works, Im realy into it. None of the above, something between the two You will have a hero and you give commands in person to your minions, like a real commander EDIT: Just realized that gold nuggets are in 1.9, I mean I knew they were, but I didnt know how they work. If you can also make Ingots into nuggets then that would be a good currency for the pluggin!
Yea, its looking like we probably wont be finished until atleast Bukkit for 1.9 comes out, if ever Do you still want the wood, stone, and food resources? Also, what do you want to be the requirements for making a Castle? Also, how should units be created? Should they be created when you press a button? Or should it be a command? Also, should there be building time, or should it be instant? I am actually now looking into using schematics, which would allow people to create buildings in game and export them with WorldEdit. Version 0.0.1 is finished! It actually does something and doesnt crash! Place an obsidian block, and place a sign on its side and type: [line 1] StrategyCraft [line 2] Castle I can be downloaded from here: EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Great will test it right after work. Also Im sorry I cant work as much as I planed on this now becouse of work, soon I will be done then I will make the skins. ( Skins are allready in progress ) I was thinking of useing the sign allready on the core, also like this: Line1: StrategyCraft Line2: HeavyBarrack Line3: HeavySolider Line4: Player name owning the building! So they have to go to the building to buy the unit! Thats important bcouse like this they will try to make buildings close and not as far as possible. Building time is a great idea if it can be implemented. Great, I will make an sch file out of the buildings and post them like that. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Ok, i can add all that. If you can make the castle .sch first, that would be helpfull. Also, this is the Github: How much will a castle cost? And should you be able to have a cue of units for each building? Did it work? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Just came back, testing now! Weill make all building sch and then test! Also, we just sold a bunch of grapes and Im harvesting alone... 10-12h a day :S so I cant do as much as I want. Will stay up and do the tests and sch tough, but dont wait for skins or texturepack yet. ( you can use random textures/skins or just leave it as it is that can be changed later easily ) Well cue, you mean like a wait time? Maybe a configurable amount! Configurable stuff is good. Default could be 30 sec. I was thinking of haveing gold as a general curency, a building is a gold block and a unit a gold ingot, or nuget. or something like this. Nvm that, if we have a market we can set the price of the core in a trade plugin. But core must be something unobtainable and it will turn into obsidian ( configurable ) when you place it and put the sign on it. Also, sch's are done I upload them now, forgot to set signs on the cores which are still sponge, but buildings are finishd. Now I eat then make a server to test your jar. Ok testing done, do I need to place the castle schematics in the plugin folder? Or make a Strategycraft folder? I only got a building does not exist message, which is allready great if you ask me and if it means we can add buildings from sch files!
Wont work yet, i hard coded the ring of stone in there but that is next on the list. "Castle" should give you something though... Cue, meaning a list of units trying to be built. I meant to build your first castle, does it require stone or something? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Buying the core and nothing else would make things a lot easyer. Than haveing all kind of resourses. We can use other plugins to make the market, I allready have a working one on my server. That way we dont have to work on that too... So like you buy x archers and they will build up slowly? If it isnt too hard, go for it. I dont wanted to make things too complicated But leave the option open for instant build. We will have to balace this game after it is done. So configs are good .
Ok, ill leave it at that. How about this: You right click a sign in a building a couple times, and then on that building's sign you see "[2] Swordsmen". They will be built then every configurable amount of time.
Thats great, one more thing you could add. There needs to be a configourable resource in your hand to click which is removed. Thats how you pay
Example: Weath farm produces weath, you can sell that in the market and use the gold to buy whatever you need, units, buildings, other resources ( stone, wood )
ok, sorry i havent responded in a while, was busy this weekend. Still working on the class loading. Here is version 0.o.2 Now saves each players Castle in their own conf in /StrategyCraft/PlayerCastles Also reads them on start up, so it should know if you try to build a second castle after a server restart. Most of changes though you cant see, so sorry if it seems to be taking too long Sorry, here it is...
Will test it. I finished my work so now I will be free for a week, so I will make the skins in a few days. Allready have some basic skins but not right yet
Nice to hear, im glad it is gaining interest For everyone: I have created a BukkitDev for this, find it at Dont worry, take your time, it will be a while before i have a working version anyway. Will add newest Alpha to bukkitDev tommorrow. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Would really like to contribute to this one, as it seems epic, but i got a lot on my plate at the moment. Good luck with this, and if I free up before this is done, I would enjoy lending a hand.
Thans, you would be most welcome. Most of the code right now would probably be unintelligible to anyone but me (or perhaps not even that ) because i am still medling with the mechanics, but whenever you are ready you are welcome to join
Ideas: (And questions) Will resource buildings have NPCs in them? If so: Resource buildings - is it possible to require a NPC for production to start/continue? - can you have a number of NPC workers in the same resource building to increase the productivity? Population - can civilian population depend on the number of houses (Places with beds)? - can military population depend on a barracks to exceed the standard population limit placed by the building type? e.g. 3 soldiers live (limit) in a Heavy Barracks (Maybe change name to Heavy Compound?). With a Barracks I can have an extra 10 military units to create. Building: (here is the big one) - Can the NPCs build the city? Would love to be able to put down the initial block to specify what building it was, then have the NPC Builders come and place it block by block. Another way to implement it is to have the building appears according to time. A Archery structure takes 30 min to construct, each block appearing at a time interval. The NPC builders just hang around the site. Could also implement that building only takes place if the builder is within a certain radius of the initial structure block. And that is all from me. Just thoughts.
@Lock Ok, here goes: "Will resource buildings have NPCs in them?" Yes, eventually. Right now i am still trying to get the buildings working, and then i have to do the actual units. Plus i still need to figure out how to do resource buildings anyway. My plan was to make them actually go out and mine/chop/grow/whatever. "Population - can civilian population depend on the number of houses (Places with beds)? - can military population depend on a barracks to exceed the standard population limit placed by the building type? e.g. 3 soldiers live (limit) in a Heavy Barracks (Maybe change name to Heavy Compound?). With a Barracks I can have an extra 10 military units to create." Im not sure what you mean by civilian population, by that do you mean builders? If so, i could code something like that in, though it might make more sence to combine it with the military. Barraks currently is just for building, so f i were to do that it would have to be a new building. Finnally: "Building: (here is the big one) - Can the NPCs build the city? Would love to be able to put down the initial block to specify what building it was, then have the NPC Builders come and place it block by block. Another way to implement it is to have the building appears according to time. A Archery structure takes 30 min to construct, each block appearing at a time interval. The NPC builders just hang around the site. Could also implement that building only takes place if the builder is within a certain radius of the initial structure block." Yes! I have intended to do this since the begginning. It will be very hard though, so dont expect it until a much later release. Until i can do that I might just make it required that you have an inactive builder in order for the building to be built. Thanks for your input! This is the time for all sugestions, as this is when i am doing most of the core programming
Civilian Population - NPCs that inhabit farming/general structures. e.g. Wheat Farmer. A wheat farm for example could have a population cap of 2. You build the wheat farm, and purchase one wheat farmer. Production of wheat farm starts and operates at 50%. Purchase the second wheat farmer. Production of wheat farm increases to 100%.
I just want to point out that increasing the population probably will increase the lag too. Also, it would make town big, too big for others to destroy it. This is more then a city/town/collony mod what you can see in the singleplayer mods. It has to be balanced so it is playable. If there are multiple baracks, ppl dont have to chose which ype they want. If there are more barracks they have to destroy 3-5 times that many cores before the can get to the castle. Dont get me wrong, I like your other 2 idea, but this one wont fit the strategy craft where you can wage wars. Also, I have some singleplayer mods which might be interesting ( for ideas ) The patrol in this is interesting. This one is also interesting. Has many things we want too. Like mobs mining. EDIT: Btw, sorry I wasnt around for a few days, I wasnt at home. Also, I started working on skins for the archer and warrior. Will post them later today. Well, did some skins, but couldnt make one which is for my liking. Can I use a skin from a database and edit it? Dont know if I am allowed to do that... anyway I keep trying ... EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Yea, i do agree with that. Unfortunantly i was gone this last week, couldnt do any work. I will take a look at those links, might be able to make something like them. Am uploading v 0.0.4 now to BukkitDev. Im afraid i know absolutely nothing about skin making.
Almost have version 0.0.5 done! It should (knock on ) be able to correctly load the buildings into the plugin, and shortly after that it should be building them correctly with a finished API.
Great! Now I will have something to test. Will it work with all buildings? Im stuck a bit with skins, made a few but at this point they arent needed, right? Becouse then I might change them later to make them more unique.
The skins wont need to be used for a long time, so take your time with them. Once its done, it should work with all buildings, i have to create them first, as each one requires a little programming. There is now a second github project for all the default buildings.
For Creating the Castle Could You have Resource rquirements. And then pull the reources from a chest. The Chest Would Be placed ontop of the obsidian core and would dissappear along with the contents of the chest when built. You could have a requirement that a specific amount of stone/netherbrickfence etc. (taken from the earlier image) must be in the chest for the sign to work. EDIT: Also if you want to make a building. You place a chest in the very centre of the building. You then place a sign saying [barracks] Or similar Infront of the chest. Npc's then transfer the required resources to the chest. When there are enough resources the Structure is automatically built by a NPC EDIT2: Just an idea anyway
That sounds a lot like 2 other mods I play ( millenarie and minecolony ) Also, Im not sure, but now we should aim a bit lower, keep it simple, make the base features work. This isnt a town building mod, it is for pvp servers. Well that was my idea anyway... The idea for requiering resources is nice and all. But wont be needed if buildings wont drop blocks, and it sounds easyer to make. NPC's were mentiond before, and may be added later, but they wont build, that would be realy slow... there will be units who you can command to guard, patrol, attack, follow and maybe NPC's who farm resources in their own 9x9 area.
Odds are buildings and units wont cost anything for awhile, though eventually there will be some sort of system included. I am officialy procrastinating until then.
Just finished V 0.0.5! It now correctly loads buildings, and i hope to begin adding more soon Next up, saving of the Player made buildings. Would you prefer that i make a flatfile setup (Player confs) or use MySql? I will have to use MySql for the units, but... Go to the bukkitdev page for downloads and details.