Filled [Req] StoreCommands

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by AuZor, Nov 22, 2013.

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    I thought this would be a good idea to check up on the commands people use, i.e if your moderator/s abuses certain commands.

    Name: StoreCommands

    Commands: /clearlog <name>
    Commands: /clearlogall

    Permissions: clearlog.admin

    Opening up StoredCommands will have this map and a config file.


    Config will have something along the lines of...
    enable-time-stamps: true/false
    ^which will store Hours/Minutes/Seconds when the command was executed in the European Timezone. (You could probably configure this as well)
    enable-date: true/false
    ^which will store the date of the command executed.

    The map ''Users'' will have logs of EACH user on the server.

    With time-stamps enabled:
    hour:minute:second: /op auzor

    With date enabled and time-stamps enabled:
    month:day:hour:minute:second: /op auzor

    With both disabled:
    /op auzor
    /deop auzor
    /kill auzor
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    Anyone.. Interested?
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    AuZor I can give this a go but here's a few notices:

    Not a private plugin
    My personal project - that means it CAN go on BukkitDev

    Those said:


    Started plugin, have directory and file creation done, commands are logged. Working on some more stuff now.
  4. Offline


    AuZor I'm interested, but it looks like you have someone that is working on it right now, however, if you would still like me to attempt to make this for you, add me on Steam: xwahsux, or send me an email at [email protected].
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    - player joins -> directory & log file created (if they have the permission)
    - player chats -> command is appended to the log file with or without a timestamp (if they have the permission)
    - /sc clear <player> command added, working out how a clearall command might work...not looking good for that one, but I'll keep my hopes high.

    Besides the final command, it's as you asked.
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    Done, just cleaning up the code and making it more efficient, as soon as the Bukkit project is approved and the file is up, then I will add the link here. Thanks for being patient. :)

    If you'd like, you may add me on Skype: jdersen

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