[REQ]{Simple} Scythes - A new use for hoes (And some other ideas)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by [T3]thomasmccarron, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Plugin category: FUN/Mechanical
    Suggested name: Scythes
    What I want: A plugin to create a 'new' item. The idea is to have one stick with 2 side by side materials (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond) on top to create a 'hoe'. This version of the hoe would automatically rename to '%Material% Scythe' e.g. Golden Scythe. This item would deal a configurable amount of damage and have a configurable durability. If at all possible, this should not effect the regular hoe item, keeping it with regular damage etc.
    Crafting recipe :
    0 = nothing
    m = material
    s = sticks
    o o o
    o s o
    Ideas for commands: /scythe set damage (damage)
    /scythe set durabilty
    Ideas for permissions: scythe.use.(material)
    When I'd like it by: Whenever really :p

    I also have some similar ideas for new items/weapons, if you are interested please PM me on bukkit or add me on skype @ t3hsxe [[Im Thomas McCarron]]
  2. Offline


    Bukkit plugins cannot add new items to the game
  3. This is not a 'new' item, as it uses the same item id and sprite as the hoes. It is simply a name, durability and damage change
  4. Offline


    He want's a custom recipe for a "hoe" and rename it to "Scythe" which has a configurable amount of damage and durability.
    [T3]thomasmccarron likes this.

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