[REQ] Redstone powered Minecarts

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Jakky89, Apr 10, 2011.

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    my idea is a plugin that gives minecarts the power via redstone wire/repeater to drive as fast as boosters do (e.g. like circle booster with two Minecarts on it). If the redstone wire (or repeater) next to the rail is in "on"-state, the minecart that actually is on that rail will get boostet to high speed (if it is on the right side, it will drive forwards - else backwards). But when the redstone wire/repeater next to it is in "off"-state, the minecart will decelerate until it stops. If there is no redstone or repeater next to the rail, the minecart should act like normal. Is it possible for you plugin developers to implement something like that? I think many of the minecraft server owners will benefit from it. Thanks!
  2. Offline


    Check out minecartMania or Falsebook or craftbook
  3. Offline


    Sorry but these plugins are a little bit to complex and overloaded (also they need additional plugins to work).
  4. Offline


    MM has no dependencies, and Control Blocks are the opposite of complex. ;)
  5. Offline


    hmm Afforess, redstone controlabilty has another purpose than these blocks.
    you can e.g. make a train and let people go in the train, when the traindriver hits a button, the train can go further again.
    redstone has a lot of pros and also contras,
    I will look a bit into your minecart mania plugin, see what is possible.
    Thanks for responding
  6. Offline


    Okay, I stand corrected. Minecart Mania seems to be a great plugin that maybe would do this job :)
    But the problem with MM is, that you need extra blocks below (or beside) the rail and you can't power the rail directly with redstone wire. Nevertheless I seem to remember that notch mentioned in a comment that redstone powered minecart tracks will be possible in a future version (1.5 or greater).
  7. Offline


    @Jakky89 I seem to remember notch mentioning a lot of things...
  8. Offline


    true! there is a plugin which works as booster if you place it under a track. (SP plugin)

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