I really would appreciate it if someone could update this plugin or make a similar one. With 1.8 people now have to eat food, so I think there should be configurable times where people get food almost like dinner time, tea time, and breakfast. Could anyone do this? I'm sure lots of people would be pleased. (Original plugin link: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mi...atic-item-delivery-like-food-803.15925/page-2)
If so many people have requested this, why hasn't it been made? And minecraft time. I reckon once a day would be enough, don't you?
Um... <Medic's answer to everything> um... Yeah that might actually be easy! Would there be any commands? I just need to figure out how to check something for all players
There should just be a config where you configure the time of each meal, the message when you receive each meal, and what you get in each meal
Oh, by #7,000 i literally meant, this is the 7,000th thread in the plugin requests area. lol. I'll be thinking about this!
Yes theres a small chance ;D The main thing is that I have no idea how to code an amount of time into a plugin.