Plugin category: Mech/Fun Suggested name: Inquisition A bit about me: im a medieval server owner What I want: i want a plugin for my medieval server that creates an inquisition like in the medieval age with an inquisitor and the point is this plugin that have witches and that stuff and when the inquisition find them they die burned, sent to the end with no way to back or the nether , the plugin needs to have inquisitor abilities like the way to burn, send to the nether/end and witches fly with a stick in hand, and only the witches can make especific potions like the poison 1 and anothers that can be config , absorve helth of other people, powerful when they have a cat (black if it can be done) and the inquisitor commands can only be done if another persons says that the person is guilty of witch like a votie system Ideas for commands: Inquisitor: /in burn <player> /in end <player> /in nether <player> People: /in vote guilty /in vote unguilty Witches: doesnt need commands Ideas for permissions: inquisitor.inquisitor (this permission make the person able to be an inquisitor) inquisitor.witch (this perm make the person able to be a witch) When I'd like it by: this month Similar plugin requests: None i know. Devs who might be interested in this: those who like to make kind of rp plugins
Ok. You're going to need to give a TON more information. YOU need to give the abilities, the commands, the permissions. That's partially the point of formatting. Instead of saying "other creepy ways to die", you should LIST the other creepy ways to die.
If you want anyone to help with this, you're going to need to add more info and find a dedicated programmer. It is unlikely that anyone on here will come out of the blue and do something this big for you.