[REQ] Global Mob Spawns w/ Variables

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Nuinbot, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I am looking for a plugin that does the following:
    • Controls spawns globally (overworld), so that unless otherwise noted, NO mobs spawn.
    • Allows/denies mobs from spawning.
    • Each mob in a config can have the following conditions to spawn, where all must be true for the particular mob to spawn. Multiple instances of the same mob may be created to suit the need, for example:

    mob: creeper
    - mob-value: normal
    - biomes: [plains, desert]
    - time: 13000-22000
    - light level: 0-7
    - chance: 50
    mob: creeper
    - mob-value: charged
    - biomes: [plains, desert]
    - time: 13000-22000
    - light level: 0-7
    - chance: 50
    - raining: yes
    - thunder: yes
    I have tried coldandtired's Mobs! plugin, but the configuration is too complex and documentation/support inadequate.

    I am just trying to get regular and Nether mobs to spawn globally as well as tie certain mobs to "native" biomes, so that players must hunt for the mob instead of finding them everywhere (i.e. have blazes only spawn in deserts, so they don't burn forests down worldwide).

    If anyone were up to this, I among others would really appreciate it. It can make for a diverse economy, especially with plugins like CelticMinstrel/ZariusT's OtherDrops to change what mobs and blocks drop.
  2. Offline


    disableallmobs: true
        - biomes: [DESERT]
          chance: 5%
          height: ">74"
          time: DAY
          weather: CLEAR
        - biomes: [PLAINS, DESERT]
          time: NIGHT
          lightlevel: 0-7
          chance: 50%
        - biomes: [PLAINS, DESERT]
          time: NIGHT
          lightlevel: 0-7
          chance: 50%
          weather: [RAIN, STORM]
        - biomes: [PLAINS]
          time: NIGHT
    ? ;)

    (work in progress, as time permits)
  3. Offline


    YES! I so want this. This is the only thing preventing me from launching my server, all because I don't want to give Nether/End access. Are you considering incorporating this into OtherDrops, or a separate plugin?
  4. Offline


    I've been planning it on and (mostly) off over the last 6 months. It'll be a separate plugin as it's more stable that way (ie. if something in OtherMobs breaks then OtherDrops will keep working) although the idea is to allow OtherDrops (or other plugins) to use the custom mobs.
  5. Offline


    Please let me know when you start working on it. I would be happy to test it for you. :)
  6. Offline


    Here's a very early <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Easter egg: try "/om spawnt <creature>" - eg. /om spawnt cow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  7. Offline


    I've updated the plugin - see the main OtherMobs BukkitDev page for more info. Would be interested to get your feedback on the example config (a separate page there) too - trying to make it as powerful but simple.

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