EDIT: I forgot to title the topic Plugin category: End Map Replacer Suggested name: EndMapManager A bit about me: I'm the tech and owner of a server called GateCraft, which is part of the GateCrafters gaming clan. This is not the Czech server. I've recently begun building dungeons that players can raid on my server, and am working on converting the end into a dungeon. What I want: Simply put; A plugin that, after the enderdragon is killed, and all players leave the end, can wipe the map and replace it with another map I have stored in the server folder. This effectively resets the dungeon. This could even be expanded to be able to replace any world, in order to have multiworlds with dungeons for each one that reset themselves. Ideas for commands: /endreset, a simple command to trigger the end reset process. Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed, I hope. When I'd like it by: I don't have that much of a tight deadline tbh, as soon as possible is good. Similar plugin requests: None. Devs who might be interested in this: Heck if I know.