[REQ] Endermen Control

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by IronPython, Dec 18, 2011.

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    So far i have yet to see a plugin do this and it would be great if someone felt like creating one like it.

    What I want: My idea is is a way to list what an Endermen can pickup and place. it will be done all in a config file so no need for commands or permissions, the config could look like this


    that way he can only pick up those 5 items and because place has * it can place all of them. one could set it up so he can pick them all up but only place some or none of the items. I am using towny in my server but im letting people build out side of towns and id like to beef-up endermen to slowly take there homes away in the wilderness but also remove some of the things like grass, stone, logs, and leaves

    let me know if anyone is up for creating this for me ^,..,^
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    And I don't believe its possible, as those items are controlled internally..
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    well they use to have things like the anti-enderpickup to stop them from picking up "everything" but it looks like they are all out of date and non of them work anymore. i even tried the one @Acrobot suggested and set it up, after a few test the enderman were still picking up grassblocks and so sadly it didn't work at all. worth a shot tho i do hope someone find's a way around it tho it would be a helpful tool.
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    there are "anti-enderpickups" that are updated and work....here's one: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/noendergrief/#w-downloads-rb-1597
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    Yes thats updated true. but now what im looking for that plugin stoped enderman from picking up all block types im looking for the opposite, i want a plugin that adds more blocks to the enderman list and also lets me remove some as well. like grass, logs, leaves. but add stonebrick, brick, wood, wool, and so on. something that has a white/black list. the one you showed is an all out stop style and the configs only option is what worlds to apply the plugin to. the one @Acrobot showed had a whitelist stily config but its not working when i tested it out enderman were still picking up things like grass and logs.

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