[REQ] CustomLoots

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ByFeeW, Sep 28, 2013.


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    Plugin category: Mechanics

    Suggested name: CustomLoots

    What I want: I'd like to see plugin that allows you to configure player loots (Add / remove loots)
    There is one plugin like that on redstonepvp (redstonepvp.com). I need this plugin to my pvp server, when players kills other player there will be custom items in loots, like gold or diamond. :)
    If you are interested to make this plugin, please contact me
    (Sorry for my english, i live in finland)

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed for this plugin.

    When I'd like it by: No time limits.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2018
  2. Offline


    You can accomplish this using Skript.
    You'll have to read up on how to set it up and when that's done, just stick this into a skript file:

    on death:
        victim is a player
        drop 5 diamonds at the victim
    Change diamonds to gold ingots and change 5 to whatever you want. With a bit more added code, you could make it a chance instead including a chance of nothing dropping.

    Let me know if you need a bit more added to the code if you're stuck.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2018
  3. Offline


    Hey thanks for help! :) But i am so dumb at java code that i cant make it :/
  4. Offline


    im give this a shot
  5. Offline


    Thanks! but one yhing i really wanna for this plugin is config :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That is part of running a server
    jimuskin and epickillerpigz like this.
  9. Offline


    i have already 4 24/7 servers
  10. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Then why is PhatLoots too hard to use?
  11. Offline


    If you manage them all - and they have over 5 players at all times I'd be surprised.
  12. Offline


    I want something simple

    yep :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Simple for you is hard for us
  14. Offline


    i know :/
  15. Offline


    Juse use phat loot I can help you set it up what do you need done it is pretty simple I think
  16. Offline


    i wanna that players randomly drops glowstonedust when they are killed by other player ( like 25% change to drop glowstone dust) but they wont drop it when they killed by mobs or suicide
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Very exploitable two friends log on they kill each other over and over and boom they are rich Probably would need a timer to adjust the rate at which one player can kill another.
  19. Offline


    i wanna that players randomly drops glowstonedust when they are killed by other player ( like 25% change to drop glowstone dust) but they wont drop it when they killed by mobs or suicide. you can find that if you just read comments :D

  20. Offline


    still exploitable
  21. Offline


    Why not use Skript or VariableTriggers? Very useful plugins.
    Or you can use PhatLoots. Seriously, if you are going to run a server, not everything is going to be easy.
  22. Offline


    You can exploit this - if you want we can still make the plugin however your server will become a bad, bad place.
  23. Offline


    i wanna plugin :)

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