[REQ] ChunkLoader Block

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Moronmaster, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    My first plugin request, hooray!

    So, basically, this block is configured mostly for automated farms that require their respective chunk to be loaded in order to function. Take for example a cactus farm. In order for the cacti to grow, the chunk the cacti is located in needs to be loaded, effectively making farms useless, unless placed near a busy area.
    My farm is located deep underground, and as such, the chunk is almost never loaded. So my idea is this:

    A block (specified in the config.yml) is placed. A sign is attached with a sign, containing something like [CL] (ChunkLoad] and with settings, if needed. That block will then keep the chunk containing loaded for either a certain time (specified on the sign, preferably) or forever.

    I know that this is very much possible, since this technique is already used in the MinecartMania plugin.

    Feel free to suggest more features for the plugin, or even better, go develop it [pig]
  2. Offline


    Bumping this, cause this is rising in demand on my server.
  3. Offline


    Challenge accepted.
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    How's this coming along? I would love to see this plugin if it gets done!
  7. Offline


    Would be nice if such a plugin comes :D

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