This might have been all ready created, But i would like a plugin with.. 1. The config file is connected to Permissions (Of course) 2. The "Users" file is where you put the User names and Prefix/Suffix's. Hooks with IConomy so people buy their prefix's if given permission to E.G: Code: Users: iamawesome: prefix: "Blah" Suffix: "Blah" --------------------OR--------------------------- Groups: Default: Prefix: "BLACK" Suffix: "Blah" Users:(That payed for the prefix/Suffix) iamawesome: prefix: "Blah" Suffix: "Blah" 3. Could be used by permissions, BUT best with the "Users" File its self. Thanks!
Just wanted to say: Can you add: Code: ------(Users.yml file)---------------------- Users: iamawesome: prefix: "Blah" Suffix: "Blah" --------------------OR--------------------------- Groups: Default: Prefix: "BLACK" Suffix: "Blah" Users:(That payed for the prefix/Suffix) iamawesome: prefix: "Blah" Suffix: "Blah" But config.yml there is: When (&4+NAME) Leaving= (&4+NAME) Has left the game When (&8+NAME) Joined= (&8+NAME) Has joined the game Thanks
Dude use permissionsEx very good and easy coding once your learn it heres the link:
No, I already Use PEX. I want one like that. linked to IConomy so people can buy prefixes and suffix's. ETC.
I don't know about other chat plugins, but EssentialsChat shows PEX prefixes... you'd just need the purchasing of pre/suffixes.
This would be quite simple given you can find a chat plugin that supports multiple groups and PEX. All you'd have to do it hook into the iConomy API and the PEX API.