[REQ] Cause Explosions That Rebuild On Command!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by RobZ_SD, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I am using EssentialsProtect to block Creeper and TNT explosions, but due to lag it would sometimes explode anyway then rebuild after about 15-20 seconds!
    This was really funny to watch and the home/pixelart/cave/face-of-player be smashed to smithereens while people in the chat spam: 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOooOOooO' etc, then see their confusion when it rebuilded itself!
    Unfortunatly, this dosent happen all the time but it SO funny when it does XD
    So, I was wondering if anybody could make a plugin that does this on command like:
    /explode <radius> <time-it-takes-to-rebuild>,
    that would explode everything around you (exept the block you are standing on so there isn't any suffercation involved)
    Or even something like:
    /explode-on-click <radius> <time>,
    that if you hold TNT it has the same effect but on the place you click.
    and maybe:
    /explodeplayer <name> <radius> <time>,
    which is obvious what it does.
    aliases could be:
    /exp or /expl because /exp might confict
    /exponclick or /explonclick
    /exp-p or /expl-p or without the hyphens
    expl is probably better...
    This is just an outline of what I was thinking, it doesnt have to be the same but it would be awesome! This would NEED permissions or default to Ops thing beacuse otherwise my server is screwed XD.
    If anyone out there could make this even if its 1 part not 3, I would be really happy and if you want you can keep it as your own 'original' idea, *hush hush* etc.
    Thank you for reading!
  2. Offline


    I could make it so it explodes with a command, with a <player> and <radius> thing, but I'll need to look at the source code of the plugin you have for rebuilding creeper/tnt explosions for the <time> bit.

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