I've been messing around with the Bookworm plugin. It really makes books worth something. Wouldn't it be neat if we could actually store books in bookshelves? My idea (not sure if it is possible): Each bookshelf is a chest. When you right-click on a shelf you get the same chest-display as though you had clicked on a chest. This chest-shelf is stocked upon creation with some number of books. You can, of course, take and leave books and other items. That is all. Thoughts? Okay, looked around a little more and found this. Does most of what I want, but new bookcases won't automatically have books in them. Also no longer being developed and source nowhere to be found. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/me...-store-selected-items-in-bookcases-935.22428/ Would love if someone java-savvy bring this idea back to life. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
For me, I was going to combine it with something like BookWorm: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/fun-mech-bookworm-v1-7-read-and-write-books-1185.22159/
Well, I suppose BookWorm would do most the work, it would just be storing the shelf's inventory. If I get bored, I could probably do the whole book-chest thing, but no promises ^_^
Hey no problem, I'm a beggar not a chooser! If you do get around to it though I'll sing your praises to the high seas or something.
If you read the thread there already was a mod for this, so obviously i explained it good enough. He could as well used the existing thread to explain it better if he wished. Also adhomen, how old are you?
Wow, nice reading comprehension there. There's a mod that does most of the work, in this case it's making it so that books can actually have content on them (i.e. Bookworm). What he wants is a way to store actual books inside of bookshelves in a chest-like fashion.
Logical fallacy on your part. Read the description about the mod... it stores books and paper and some other items (configurable).
Again if you have read my thread (which you did not obviously) you would know i already know that. This thread is still pointless.
This thread is not pointless. The only other option is something that hasn't been updated to the current CraftBukkit, so plugin developers could see this, and one of them might take on the project that the original poster asked for. That's a logical fallacy on your part. You were looking at the wrong plugin, which was not the plugin which I explicitly pointed out (Bookworm.) If you took the time to actually read the thread, which you've been telling all of us to do this whole time, you would read this: This is a plugin that lets you read and write books. Very first line in the plugin's introduction. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
OP: This is exactly the same as my requested mod, this has nothing to do with bookworm, he merely mentioned it for compatibility. Also the link in the second post of the OP was the mod that was made by my request thread. I win, you lose, live with it.
lol edited 3 times. Did you even read my other post? Again. Nice reading comprehension. But yeah, I understand why you wouldn't want to "lose." People's opinions on the internet mean so much.
I understand your thinking, you don't understand mine. All he had to do is ask for updating it and adding a new feature, there was no point in making this thread he could as well use mine or the plugin's thread.
thread post #2 http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/req-bookshelf-full-of-books.40843/#post-738443 Follow the link and READ
Well, then again, like I said earlier. That's the only other option. A plugin that the author's no longer updating. His signature says: Sorry if my plugins become inactive, I don't work on my plugins any more So of course, the only thing you can do, since you obviously can't ask the author of the plugin to update it, is to post a request here hoping that somebody will answer that request.
Okay kids, chill. Did I search the forum before I posted? Yes. Could I have spent more time searching and carefully reading the posts I came across? Also yes. I don't know if that makes this a pointless thread, but I do know that bickering instead of discussing the (proposed) plugin definitely makes it pointless.
Okay um, well anyways. I'm not sure where to start... The bookcase storage one is great, but it's a bit... objective. The code is hard to understand because it wasnt intended to have a source anyway (probably). So i think i'll try to make one that just turns bookshelves into inventory blocks, and the first release will have them like full of books. Maybe i'll write a way to randomize the bookshelf inventory later haha. EDIT: and then maybe later, later, i'll support it in spout EDIT2: ...Although i still have no idea how to make a block a container block... 0_0 javadocs time? EDIT3: Fukkit. Try again with sleep.
Wow, thanks for taking a crack at this. I look forward to seeing what you come up with after a little rest!
Well Ive been looking at plugins that open inventories on a non chest block... so far after looking at essentials, that bookcasestorage plugin, and some other plugins, I haven't really found anything in common. So I might just resort to trying to modify the bookcaseStorage one... This would be relatively easy with spout so maybe ill try that too. More in detail: I haven't been able to find out how BookcaseStorage makes bookcases well... store things. So I've been looking in the javadocs I tried an open inventory like event, I can't find that I tried looking for a setContainerblock like method, but I couldnt find one Ideas?...
completely naive idea: take a look at the plugins that let you carry a virtual chest with you always and see how those work?
Well i've been looking and it's still something i dont know how to do. So no promises from me sadly ... However, i'm never gonna give this plugin up