[REQ] Block/Mob Approval Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by icomputerz, May 9, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Admin, Anti-griefing

    Suggested name: IntelligentAdmin

    What I want: I would like a plugin that monitors players when spawning mobs with spawn eggs and any other block (blocks configurable in config).

    When a player tries to spawn a mob or place one of the blocks in the config, operators with the admin permission (see below) are notified, like this:

    [IntelligentAdmin] Player <username> has tried to <action here, like spawn a mob or place __>. Location is <x> <y> <z>. Would you like to approve this action?
    /ia approve to approve.
    /ia deny to deny.

    So if Steve tried to place water at coordinates 64 56 13 it would look like this:

    [IntelligentAdmin] Player Steve has tried to place Water. Location is x:64 y:56 z:13. Would you like to approve this action?
    /ia approve to approve.
    /ia deny to deny.

    Ideas for config.yml:

    # Blocks listed below will need to be approved by an operator.
    - 8
    - 9
    - 10
    - And such. -->

    # Mobs listed below will need to be approved by an operator.
    - creeper
    - villager
    - And such. -->

    Ideas for commands:
    /ia approve - Approves a block or mob action.
    /ia deny - Denies a block or mob action.
    /ia toggle - Toggles whether approval is needed or not.

    Ideas for permissions:
    intelligent.receive - Anyone with this permission will be notified of events.
    intelligent.toggle - Anyone with this permission will be able to use /ia toggle.
    intelligent.exempt - Anyone with this permission can use anything without approval.

    When I'd like it by: Possibly by 5/22/2013, no later than 5/31/2013

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