Removing all Entities on the Ground every 5 Seconds

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MineStein, Jul 19, 2014.

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    Hey, I am looking to erase all of the dropped tiles on the ground every five seconds. I have my scheduler ready, I just need to actually erase them from the server. What do I do?
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    Use a repeatingScheduler with a 300 tick delay; Loop through all the entities in a world, check if they are an instance of Item and cast them, then check if the (Item)isOnGround and call the remove method.
    izarooni and JustinsCool15 like this.
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    DoctorDark Like this?

    It is not working.

    1. Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() {
    2. public void run() {
    4. for (Entity e : Bukkit.getServer().getWorld("world").getEntities()) {
    5. if (e.getType().equals(EntityType.DROPPED_ITEM)) {
    6. e.remove();
    7. } else {
    8. return;
    9. }
    10. }
    12. String[] barMessages = new String[] {
    13. "§5Do §d§l/kit list §5for a list of kits!",
    14. "§9Do §3§l/servers §9for a list of all servers!",
    15. "§2Want to support the server? Do §a§l/store §2to donate!",
    16. "§4Tweet us §c§l@NovaMC_Network §4for help!",
    17. "§8Developed by §7§l@MineStien"
    18. };
    20. BarAPI.setMessage(barMessages[random.nextInt(barMessages.length)]);
    21. }
    22. },0 , 100);
    23. }
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    Check the loaded chunks before
  5. Offline


    LCastr0 How do I check the loaded chunks?
  6. Offline


    Since I'm not home, I'm not completly sure, but something like
    Do a for loop with this method and then do another for loop for all the entities in that chunk. Oh, and also, you could check if it's a dropped item using
    entity instanceof Item
  7. Offline


    LCastr0 Ok, thanks! I will try it, I have never had to handle chunks before.
  8. Offline


    Good luck, and tell me if you do it. I'm leaving now, but will be back tomorrow's afternoon (my time); PM me if you need anything, or just Tahg me here and i'll answer tomorrow
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  10. Offline


    MineStein nah, all you need to do is removing that
    1. else
    2. {
    3. return;
    4. }
    the rest of the code was perfectly fine
    Zupsub likes this.
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    It's better to check the chunks though.
  12. Offline


    LCastr0 what is your reasoning behind this though, it would be more exact to loop over all entities of all worlds, and Entity#remove should not trigger a chunk load either
  13. Offline


    Well I think it's safer to check the loaded chunks.
  14. Offline


    LCastr0 still lacking the reasoning ;). If chunks are unloaded the entities are despawned anyway, so world.getEntities() should work perfectly fibe
    Garris0n and xTigerRebornx like this.
  15. Offline


    Well I prefer to do my way, but thanks for teaching me this too :)
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    For anyone viewing this thread for a solution, here it is

    1. for (Chunk chunks : Bukkit.getServer().getWorld("world").getLoadedChunks()) {
    2. for (Entity entitiesInChunks : chunks.getEntities()) {
    3. if (entitiesInChunks instanceof Item) {
    4. entitiesInChunks.remove();
    5. }
    6. }
    7. }
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