Solved "Remove from log"

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Sw_aG, Apr 8, 2015.


Can you remove specific string from the log using a plugin?!

Poll closed May 23, 2015.
  1. Yes, i can!!

    0 vote(s)
  2. No, i don't know how to (Which is fine)

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  1. Offline


    Hi everyone, i'm having a problem with BarAPI, it spams my console like crazy but it is still working, can someone please right here an example code for how to delete a certain string from the log?

    Thanks in advance :D
  2. Offline


    @Sw_aG Please post what you have. We aren't here to spoonfeed you, we're here to help you with your current code.
    mine-care likes this.
  3. Offline


    I'm sorry if i made it look that way, but can you please AT LEAST tell me if its possible?
  4. Offline


    @Sw_aG if we can see the error it would be great, this way we can direct you to the patch
  5. @Sw_aG Only way I can think of is to modify BarAPI and remove the line printing out.
  6. Offline


    I've actually already tried to remove the try and catch fields but it is needed or something i don't really know how to do it Without it breaking the plugin.

    Do you know what it is?
  7. @Sw_aG I cannot see how removing a line printing could break anything. What is the line you are removing?
  8. Offline


    the "catch" line.
    To send you the whole method?
  9. Offline



    You could use a filter

    Filter class
    public class ConsoleFilter implements Filter {
        public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record) {
            return !message.contains("[BarAPI]");// Dont know what messages barapi, guessing they have a prefix ;
    And in your onEnable method
    ConsoleFilter filter = new ConsoleFilter();
    To maximize the effect
    In your plugin.yml
    name: whatever
    loadbefore: [BarApi]
  10. Offline


    The code before changing:

    And the code after:

    @Ruptur Sorry its kinda new to me i don't really know anything about filters...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2015
  11. Offline


    I gave an example above i can add comments if you want.

    If you want to remove the tracktraces. You dont remove the try & catch blocks
    Just remove the e.printStackTrace()
    try {
    } catch(Exception ignored) {}
  12. @Sw_aG So the plugin is throwing lots of errors? You might want to look into errors more than stop console spam. Even if you stop the spam the errors are there but if you fix the errors the spam is gone.
  13. Offline


    @Ruptur Traces are there for a reason, they are not thrown just because they can, they represent an error that occured.. "Muting" them does not take you out of harm's way, i recomend you post the error in console, here so we can read it, trace it and sugest a solution.
  14. Offline


    Question was :
    ... have problem with BarAPI ... spams my console ... please right here an example code for how to delete a certain string from the log?

    And i answered the question by giving an example.

    If you have a tip, tahg the thread owner not me.
  15. Offline


    Ahh, its all good, fixed everything, thank you every1 and have a good day! :D
    Moderators can now lock this thread (I used to know how)
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