Region Buy Plugin?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by sticman112, May 29, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Are there any plugins that allow you to set up signs and you click on them and then you buy a certain area of land, BUT you don't actually own the land you are just paying so that you can go there? Thanks in advance
  2. Offline


    Short story: There's no plugin for that case.
    Long story: Basically you could combine some things so it does the same as you want. You could create a sign that has a command linked to it (CommandSigns), which moves the user into the permissions group xyz1. Now you create a worldguard region and set some flags:
    /rg define plot1
    /rg flag plot1 entry deny
    /rg flag plot1 entry allow g:xyz1
    It's kinda complicated, bit it's one of the (very) few ways I see to achieve this without writing a special plugin for this case
  3. Offline


    Could you SKype me and guide me through it?
  4. Offline


    I'll do for sure, but not today, sorry.
    Can you pm me your skype name? I'll add you tomorrow (it's 2am here in Germany)
  5. Offline


    JWhy had a good idea. I guess by "only going there" you mean that the player cannot build in the region, but he is the only one who can enter it?

    Using WorldGuard:
  6. Offline


    But I want to make them pay to go there?
  7. Offline


    If you use the suggested CommandSigns method you would just add a command like /money take <player> 300 to the sign
  8. Offline


    use residence
  9. Offline


    That won't restrict them to go there as requested
  10. Offline


    Let's just say I wanted to make a sign that gave them permissions to go to a region called cfarm for 1000 dollars what would I put on the sign?
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