Solved [Reflection] How would I get the ChatMessage constructor?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zombie_Striker, Jan 2, 2017.

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    private static Class<?> CHATMESSAGE = null;
       private static Constructor<?> CHATMESSAGE_CONSTRUCTOR = null;
       private static final String SERVER_VERSION;
       static {
         String name = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getName();
         name = name.substring(name.indexOf("craftbukkit.")
             + "craftbukkit.".length());
         name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf("."));
         SERVER_VERSION = name;
         try {
           ICHATCOMP = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + SERVER_VERSION
               + ".IChatBaseComponent");
           CHATMESSAGE = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server."+SERVER_VERSION+".ChatMessage");
           CHATMESSAGE_CONSTRUCTOR = Optional.of(
           }catch(NoSuchMethodException e){
             CHATMESSAGE_CONSTRUCTOR = Optional.of(CHATMESSAGE.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class)).get();

    I am trying to send the PacketPlayOutChat packet, but it must work on all versions of bukkit/spigot, so I am trying to use reflection. Everything else works right ATM, but it is not finding the ChatMessage class's constructor. It's constructor is (ChatMessage(String, Object... )), but I do not know how to get that constructor (since it can have an unlimited amount of parameters).

    What you can do to recreate the problem:.N/A

    Possible problematic line(s):
           CHATMESSAGE = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server."+SERVER_VERSION+".ChatMessage");
           CHATMESSAGE_CONSTRUCTOR = Optional.of(
           }catch(NoSuchMethodException e){
             CHATMESSAGE_CONSTRUCTOR = Optional.of(CHATMESSAGE.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class)).get();

    The FULL Error log:
    . N/A
  2. @Zombie_Striker
    Varargs just get compiled to arrays, so when the code runs, the constructor is really just treated as ChatMessage(String, Object[])
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    Although that fixed the issue, I now have a new error message.
    Where line 67 is
                Object icb = CHATMESSAGE_CONSTRUCTOR.newInstance(message,null);
    EDIT: Fixed. Changed Null to "new Object[0]"
  4. @Zombie_Striker
    I believe it doesn't like null as an array, try creating an empty object array. (new Object[0])
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    Just changed it. Everything works now.
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    Why not use Class#getConstructor then fill in the parameters which are String.class and Object[].class?
    kameronn likes this.
  7. @Zombie_Striker
    Also, something I should mention, is that InvocationTargetException isn't actually an exception telling you that something has gone wrong with the actual reflectioning, it's just a wrapper exception for any exception that happend when executing the actual code of the method. See how it says "caused by NullPointerException" at the bottom of the stacktrace?
    Zombie_Striker likes this.
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