Solved Reduce lag in some worlds.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Twitmuck2000, Dec 24, 2013.

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    Hello guys, i have a Bukkit server and i have 7 worlds where i play survivalgames.
    My average TPS is: 20
    I heard somewhere that 24 TPS means that you don't have lag.
    How can i make sure that in those 7 worlds there won't spawn anything? (like entities and tile-entities).

    I did /gc in the console, and this is what the console said:

    (worlds hungergames, hungergames2, hungergames3, hungergames4, hungergames5, hungergames6, hungergames7 are the worlds where i play survivalgames).

  2. Offline


    Twitmuck2000, just curious, but why do you have 7 worlds for survival games? you could compact all the maps into 1 world
  3. Offline


    Well, i have downloaded some maps from the internet and i don't have enough ram to put them with WorldEdit in a void world.
  4. Offline


    You can use MCEdit to move the maps in single player
  5. Offline


    Thanks, i don't know how to use MCEdit, do you have some tutorials?
  6. Offline


    There are lots off great tutorials on youtube, I personally used this one:
  7. Offline


    I cant see the link :(
  8. Offline


    Minecraft uses 20 TPS not 24, if you are getting 20 - 17, you server is not lagging
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    Thank you aidan.
    aidan573 likes this.
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