Redstone Chat [Dev Needed For Further Action]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by WolfTroop, Mar 28, 2014.


Should This Be Added?

Poll closed Apr 11, 2014.
  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Trigger

    Suggested name: RedstoneChat

    What I want if you guys can add: Hello i would like if their was a plugin that can do the following
    - When a player says Hello a block (Set by user) sends out a red-stone signal.
    -Lets say a player wants to open a door and no-one is around him he says "1590" the door opens then a few seconds later the door closes.Now people can have fun on their servers with counters like they can count how many times a player said hi how many people joined the server or other stuff : ).

    Ideas for commands: Rc = Redstone Chat
    /Rc add <Text> Notice:Text = What players say exactly in chat
    /Rc List | List's all the Trigger/Blocks Used
    /Rc Edit <Text>
    /Rc Edit Pulse <Sec>
    /Rc Remove | Removes Trigger From Block

    How Do They Set It Up:
    - Adding To Block
    1) /Rc add Hello xD
    2) Right Click Sign/Block
    3) Tells User" Block Successfully Triggered "
    - Removing A Block
    1) /Rc remove Hello xD
    2) Right Click Sign/Block
    3) Tells User" Block Successfully UnTriggered "

    Ideas for permissions:
    When I'd like it by: Any day you can xD (No Rush).

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