Redstone Burnout - Fix?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by alan, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. Offline


    i'm wondering if some one could make a plugin that would make the redstone torches not burn out? because i use a lot of clocks in my server and the clocks always fail after a little and they wont start back up..?? I have coded Java before.. still do i am just not into learning the API right now.
    so im thinking its just a coulple of if()'s and else statements??? could be wrong... let me know. Thanks
  2. Offline


    That's a bit like saying, I want to fix my car, All that's required is some nuts and bolts, yeah?

    Go look the de-compiled minecraft code, there is no official API or official documentation (notch has made it obvious he doesn't like mods because he changes the obscurification each patch) trust me, probably not a simple task.
  3. Offline


    I think you want something like Redstone Chips.
  4. Offline


    If you want a clock in your server, how about a Piston 4-Clock, those never burn out.

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