I have been out of the bukkit loop for several months now and am getting my server back up and running. I used to use multiverse: core, portal, nether. Are these still top rated or has the community discovered something better? I just noticed the multiverse plugin has not updated in a few months.
Always used Multiverse without any issues, you should check dev builds. http://ci.onarandombox.com/view/Multiverse/
Why dev builds? I'd suggest going to their bukkitdev page http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/multiverse-core/
Because he said it hasn't been updated in a few months (Nov 27th), so by checking the dev build he can see its still very much alive and active.
No reason to fix something that isn't broken. I would suggest using the latest RB. I use a few of the multiverse plugins with that and they work great