Receive Coins for Killing Players + View Coins **VAULT SUPPORT PLEASE**

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Genexx, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category:

    Suggested name: nKill

    What I want:

    What I want is when you kill a player you will recieve "5 coins" everytime you kill a player, and it will send this message - "&7[&3NovaKits&7] &7You have killed &3(player you killed) &7and received &65 coins&7." and I would like the commands below to view your coins, displaying the message "&7[&3NovaKits&7] &7You have &6(amount) coins&7."


    Ideas for configuration:

    - I would like no configuration please.

    Ideas for commands:

    - /coins - view your coins
    - /balance - view your coins
    - /bal - view your coins

    Ideas for permissions:

    - No permissions.

    When I'd like it by: Soon
  2. Genexx Someone will do it before I can its easy, but what I dont get is why you want Vault support?
  3. bwfcwalshy So he can use shop plugins for example.
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    I can make this today maby if I get time to do it
  6. Offline


    Genexx I can get home and do this I made a similar plugin before I just need to change the message and the name of the currency so it will be done around 4 Pacific time
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Do you want it so that killing a player just gives you money or do you want it to be a special currency like a kill currency?
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Please check out this plugin I made :)
  11. Offline


    Pretty sure he'd want mobs excluded since players can just free farm coins, just a thought.
  12. Offline



    He can turn the minimum & maximum for the mobs he doesn't want to 0, it will then shut off the message sent when killing that entity & not give them any cash :)
    Henzz likes this.

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