Really Cool Features

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MoejoeAw44, Jan 29, 2015.

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    NAME: pMore

    DESCRIPTION: Basically, I'm in need of a few plugins (Hopefully simple), built into 1.
    These are the things I need, in order from most needed to least.
    1. "Fixes", Strength Fix, Hunger Fix.
    Strength Code:
                double DamagePercentage = (Effect.getAmplifier() + 1) * 1.3D + 1.0D;
    2: Clear Chat. "/cc"
    "Chat has been cleared by <name>" Where it says <name> it's their prefixed name "[Mod] MoeXIV" ;)

    3. Warn. Simple. If I type /warn <player> <reason> it sends a message in public chat saying "&7<user1> has been warned by <user2>: &c<reason>

    4. Lock. Basically on /lock, it kicks everyone except people with the permission, with the message "&cThe server has been locked. Please check back soon", and if they try joining, it will say "&cThe server is locked. Only staff members can enter." (/lock once again unlocks the server).

    5. Player Join: If a player has the permission, and the server is full, that player can still join, putting the slots 11/10. Each player with the permission that joins, will make the server go up in slots.

    6. I have the code for this one, but I cannot figure out how to put it into a plugin (#noob), basically when you click a Mooshroom cow, with a glass bottle, it replaces the glass bottle with "373:8229". I'm aware of the glitch that when the player gets the potion, it will "automatically" be drinken. This is not a problem for our server.

    7. Report. /report <player> <message>
    Sends a message to people with permission.
    Format: <name> &chas reported <name>: <reason>

    8. Staff Chat. Only players with the permission can get the message sent in /sc <message>
    Format: &6SC&f) <displayname>&f: &7<message>
    Please keep in mind, the <displayname> would be the players rank color, hooking into vault I'm assuming.


    COMMANDS: /sc <message> (pmore.staffchat), /sct (pmore.sctoggle), /report <player> <reason> (, /lock (pcore.lock), /cc (pmore.clearchat), /warn <player> <reason> (pmore.warn)

    PERMISSIONS: These are the other permissions for events, not commands.
    pmore.joinfull,, pcore.lock.join, pmore.staffchat.notify,

    NEEDED: ASAP, although I understand this is a large plugin, take as much time as you need. <3
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    2. CommandOverride (link in my signature.
    3. ^ if you dont want it to be logged.
    7. ^
    8. ^ as soon as the next update comes out.
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    Already have command overdrive.
    Could you give me an explanation of how this would work?
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    2 is very easy.
    Just do about a hundred times
    - 'broadcast: '
    and then
    - 'broadcast:Chat cleared by <player>'

    - 'broadcast:<arg 0> has been warned by <player>, Reason: <arg 1> <arg 2> etc...'

    7. and 8. require the upcoming version where
    broadcast:[] is included
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    @mrCookieSlime I did everything you said. Is there a way to make it so when you type /warn, instead of it broadcasting "was warned by MoeXIV reason: ", it would say, correct usage, /warn <player> <reason>.

    I want it so ONLY when arg1, and 2 are filled in, is when it gets broadcasted to the server,
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    Sure, I can add that possibility as well.
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    @mrCookieSlime Thank you very much!
    Please let me know when the update is finished :)
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    @MoejoeAw44 Use AdminPrivateChat for the staff chat. It's configurable.
  9. Offline


    Done. Link is still in my signature.

    Just do about a hundred times
    - 'broadcast: '
    and then
    - 'broadcast:Chat cleared by <player>'

    - 'broadcast:<arg 0> has been warned by <player>, Reason: <arg 1> <arg 2> etc...'

    - 'broadcast[]:<player> has reported <arg 0> for <arg 1> <arg 2> etc...'

    - 'broadcast[permission.staffchat]:<player>: <arg 0 <arg 1> <arg 2> etc...'

    The min amount of arguments and the usage message can be configured as well.
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    Thank you o' so very much for the update.

    I have a few ideas I think would be cool and would also help me c;
    How on my configuration I have the warn setup, but you cannot tab the players name in arguments,
    ALSO, I was wondering if you could add the feature when the <arg0> is the name of a player online, the player gets send a message. "You have been warned by MoeXIV: &cdo not spam!"
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    Sorry, I cant add tab support but I can add the warn message.
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    Anyone for help on 3, 5 ,6 and 1?

    I'm fine with you not adding tab support, but is there a reason for that? I'm curious c;

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2015
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