Solved Reading an ItemStack[] from config.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Link_Awesomesause, May 3, 2016.

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  1. Just like the title, how do we read an ItemStack[] from config?
    the code up till now:
    ItemStack is = new ItemStack(Material.BONE);
    ItemStack isis = new ItemStack(Material.DIRT);
    ItemStack[] ais = {is, isis};
    getConfig().set("data", ais);
    And the problem is reading the data to get an ItemStack[] again.
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    Save the names of the Material's to the config, loop through the list, and create a new ItemStack and use Material.getMaterial(String) to get the value of it.
  3. That would work, but I even need to get ItemMeta.
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    (If you want to get the meta of the item)
    ItemMeta meta=stack.getItemMeta();

    or if it's a skull

    SkullMeta meta=(SkullMeta) skull.getItemMeta();

    if you want to save the meta then just get it and put the value into your config

    getConfig().set("", stack.getItemMeta().getDisplayName());
  5. That would work but will mess up for an ItemStack[], because every Item in the array will have different lore and names..
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    I Al Istannen

    You can save a List (e.g. An arraylist) in the config and retrieve it with config.get(String). You need to cast it back to a List<ItemStack> and they should all be correct and with ItemMeta. Works for me, should do that for you too.
    To convert an array to a List, you can use Arrays.asList(array). To convert it back there is a method List#toArray() (Stackoverflow).
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