Read timed out since Build 935

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Tealk, Jun 30, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hi i have a Problem with Build 935,
    if i start the server it run all fine, like:

    2011-06-29 19:03:40 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.6.6
    2011-06-29 19:03:40 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-06-29 19:03:40 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    2011-06-29 19:03:40 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-892-ga9ddbaa-b935jnks (MC: 1.6.6)
    but if the server run some time i get this message:
    2011-06-30 15:53:51 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 15:59:45 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 16:01:24 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 16:43:50 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 16:44:25 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 16:56:08 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 16:57:00 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 16:58:07 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 16:59:15 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:00:27 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:00:52 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:03:59 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:04:37 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:10:55 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:49:06 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:51:02 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:52:00 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:52:13 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:53:00 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:54:29 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:54:41 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:55:17 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:56:06 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:57:06 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 17:59:32 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 18:00:20 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 18:00:38 [INFO] Read timed out
     2011-06-30 18:01:23 [INFO] Read timed out
    his bug appeared after using build 935.
    There are no plugin messages before the "read time out" comes.

    2011-06-30 15:37:50 [INFO] [StealthLogin] CrabNoodle logged out secretly!
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Potential Login
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Player triggered prelogin event!
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Online Mode.
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Player check with started.
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Recieved reply.
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Check completed!
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] CrabNoodle [/] logged in with entity id 749002 at ([world] -127.5, 72.0, 76.5)
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] CraftPlayer{name=CrabNoodle} logged in with entity id749002
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] [StealthLogin] CrabNoodle logged in secretly!
     2011-06-30 15:38:01 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. JSON ERROR
     2011-06-30 15:38:13 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Potential Login
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Player triggered prelogin event!
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Online Mode.
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Player check with started.
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Recieved reply.
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. Check completed!
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] limo95 [/] logged in with  entity id 749313 at ([world] -134.38346817242126, 69.92159999847412,  92.13787186667238)
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] CraftPlayer{name=limo95} logged in with entity id749313
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] [StealthLogin] limo95 logged in secretly!
     2011-06-30 15:38:50 [INFO] MCBans: Sent From: Console .::. JSON ERROR
     2011-06-30 15:39:22 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:40:44 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:42:28 [INFO] CrabNoodle: t/list
     2011-06-30 15:42:31 [INFO] ?9[PLAYER_COMMAND] CrabNoodle: /list
     2011-06-30 15:43:40 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:43:51 [INFO] ?9[PLAYER_COMMAND] CrabNoodle: /warp winefield
     2011-06-30 15:44:20 [INFO] [SignShop] Saving shops...
     2011-06-30 15:44:20 [INFO] [SignShop] Shops saved!
     2011-06-30 15:44:33 [INFO] ?9[PLAYER_COMMAND] CrabNoodle: /warp erbach
     2011-06-30 15:44:56 [INFO] ?9[PLAYER_COMMAND] CrabNoodle: /warp winefield
     2011-06-30 15:45:13 [INFO] ?9[PLAYER_COMMAND] CrabNoodle: /warp erbach
     2011-06-30 15:45:42 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:46:36 [INFO] [G]limo95: ah noodle brauchst du nit n paar eisen miner tools?
     2011-06-30 15:46:52 [INFO] [G]CrabNoodle: ne danke ich hab noch genug...
     2011-06-30 15:47:11 [INFO] [G]limo95: aber wenn du welche brauchst kaufste doch bei mir oder?
     2011-06-30 15:47:20 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
     2011-06-30 15:47:30 [INFO] [G]CrabNoodle: wenn du dann da bist meld ich mich ;)
     2011-06-30 15:47:41 [INFO] [G]limo95: yeah!!!! xD
     2011-06-30 15:48:02 [INFO] ?9[PLAYER_COMMAND] limo95: /home
     2011-06-30 15:48:29 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:49:02 [INFO] ?9[PLAYER_COMMAND] limo95: /spawn
     2011-06-30 15:50:22 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:50:42 [INFO] / lost connection
     2011-06-30 15:52:31 [INFO] Connection reset
    i have found that if i get this error there a process (putty copy/past)
    <user> 28611 19.5 23.0 3581380 1874668 ? Ssl Jun29 275:39 java -Xms32m -Xmx3072M -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
    i have start it with screen, but the screen isnt there only the start command, dont know if this have anything to do with this

    Here a Plugin List:(all up to date):
    WorldGuard, mcbans, MinecartManiaCore, IntelliDoors, SignColours, LCDefence, LCRange, CreativeGates, properTime, Cleaner, Landmarks, LCWoodCutting, CraftBookVehicles, LCDigging, BukkitContrib, Lampstone, LongGrass, PhatLoots, Gastronomic, DataLog, Essentials, BorderGuard, HeroChat, LevelCraftCore, Permissions, Dungeon, MinecartManiaAdminControls, SimpleSkylands, SignShop, MinecartManiaAutomations, WorldEdit, iConomy, MuddersMilk, LWC, LCDexterity, LCMining, ChestShop, CraftBukkitUpToDate, dynmap, CraftBookCommon, SimpleSignEdit, GuestPrev, CraftBookCircuits, MinecartManiaStation, CraftBookMechanisms, ControllerBlock, Command iConomy, LCFarming, LCCombat, LCForgery, Jail, EssentialsSpawn, StealthLogin, iAuction, MyWolf, BaseBukkitPlugin

    Then i have a second server with the same bukkit version but not so mutch plugins this server dosnt bring me a "Read timed out", but on this server are no users
    flozza83 likes this.
  2. Offline


    I have the same problem since 860.....

    Nobody answer me.
  3. Offline


    same issue.. i will post later the plugins i use
  4. Offline


    The same and i have it over a month. My server just starts posting these and no one can login to the server.The server just stops responding.
  5. Offline


    2011-06-30 20:17:46 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-889-g22f4388-b928jnks (MC: 1.6.6)

    AppleTree.jar FalseBookBlock.jar LogBlockQuestioner.jar Permissions.jar
    AppleTreePlugin.jar FalseBookCart.jar LWC.jar PermissionsPlus.jar
    AutoMessage.jar FalseBookCore.jar mcMMO.jar PortalStick.jar
    bMobs.jar FalseBookExtra.jar Minequery.jar Residence.jar
    BorderGuard.jar FalseBookIC.jar MonsterHunt.jar Sortal.jar
    BukkitContrib.jar Growbie.jar MultiVerse.jar SpawnX.jar
    ClayGen.jar HeroChat.jar MyHome.jar TeleConfirmLite.jar
    ColoredSigns.jar HeroicDeath.jar NoCheat.jar Tombstone.jar
    CombatTag.jar iConomyChestShop.jar NoWeather.jar VanishNoPickup.jar
    CommandBook.jar iConomy.jar OddItem.jar Vouchers.jar
    CommandHelper.jar Lockette.jar p2aliases.jar WorldEdit.jar
    DeathTpPlus.jar LogBlock.jar PerformanceTweaks.jar WorldGuard.jar
  6. Offline


    very frustrating i have this issue too and diddnt find it yet
  7. Offline


    This issue happens on my server too. And on every other server that runs CB 935 it also keeps happening. Just gonna have to wait and hope they will fix it...
  8. Offline


    Alright well "me too" then. Most unhelpful error message ever :p

    I guess I will jump to the 1.7 RB and hope for the best.
  9. Offline


    I had the same issue. Remove BukkitContrib until 0.0.9 is out.
  10. Offline


    Did removing bukkitContrib fix the problem?
  11. Offline


    Did for me.
  12. Offline


    Didnt work for me. But the problem appears to be the residence plugin. When a res is changed and the plugins goes to save the data to the file it then crashes the server
  13. Offline


    When I remove the McMMO plugin I stop getting this crash. It seems certain plugins trigger the behavior. Perhaps someone can compare what they do and find the common link?
  14. Offline


    ive basically striped my server back to basics, no crashes with

    tele++, multiverse, permissions 3x, delayedstop, mcbans, minequery, bigbrother, world edit, world guard, general(chernobyl), lwc,ichat.
  15. Offline


    I just rebuilt my server to try and fix this issue. I built it back in stages. First I whitelisted the server for only me and ran bukkit with no plugins for 12+ hours. No crash. I then added WorldEdit, Commandbook, MCBans, Permissions, and BigBrother. Then ran it for 12+ hours. No crash. I then upload the rest of my plugins (AdvancementStandalone, AuthMe, AutoHelp, AutoSave, Backup, borderGuard, ChatCensor, ChunkRegenerate, Factions, Help, HeroChat, iConomy, LWC, MagicSpells, MCBans, MCDocs, NoCivilSpawns, SafeStop, Showcase, Turnstile, VoxelSniper, and WorldGuard. Ran for 12+ hours. No crash.

    Satisfied that all plugins were working properly, and all permissions had been given. I took whitelist off and my users immediately started joining. After 30 mins. CRASH! RARRRRR!

    Its been crashing just about every hour since then.
  16. Offline


    I tried removing MCMMO as well and it appears to have fixed the problem, thanks
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