Solved Re-seed a chunk/world

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Kaelinator, Aug 15, 2016.

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    Hi guys,
    I'm having a little bit of trouble, as most explanations about ChunkPopulators are outdated. My idea is to have a command that can re-seed a certain chunk. By re-seed I mean generate *new* terrain, meaning new landscape & biome. If this can't be done, then my second option is to re-seed the chunks on the server's startup (basically delete the world and re-create it).

    I'm not exactly sure if the first idea is possible, but I'm sure the second one can. If someone would direct me somewhere where I can find out more, please do. Also, if there's already a plugin that can do this (not MV, there can only be 1 world), please link it so I can do some digging!

    EDIT: I need to be able to unload the world, delete the world, recreate the world, and then load the world back, teleporting players to it. The ways I have tried don't work.


    Another EDIT: After a good 2 hours of searching, I finally found working code:
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
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