Hello, I am looking for a plugin that when a command is run that ranks up a player, money is taken from the balance of that player who is being ranked up. For example, Bob is applying for the rank VIP that costs $5,000. When an admin runs the command /rankup bob vip it will take $5,000 from Bob's account and set his rank to VIP. I am aware that I can use a simple rank up and the essentials /eco give command, however, I don't want the people who handle applications to have this much power. Commands: /rankup <player> <group> Permissions: rankup.command I would like for this to also be configurable in a .yml file if possible. If you have any questions let me know, I will be more than happy to answer them! Thank you! -chargers
You can always try this: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/prisonrankup/ It is the same of what you want. Just config the groups. Make sure you have the groups made already.
@StingerPlaysMC Please see my post in that thread. @_chargers2417_ I would recommend EZRankzLite. All though, the link @Protom1234 gave you is a copy of it. The one the author himself updates is <Edit by Moderator: Redacted not allowed paid resource url> EDIT by Timtower: merged posts