Solved randomly fail

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Mojo_Blaster, May 12, 2012.

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  1. Offline



    Imagine your server is running well, no laggs,nothing and suddenly (doesn't matter if the server is empty or somebody is only) it is overloaded and gives out strange messages.

    Check this out:

    2012-05-11 23:58:07 [INFO] [MineBackup] Saving worlds\world momentarily...
    2012-05-11 23:58:12 [INFO] [MineBackup] * saving worlds\world
    2012-05-11 23:58:13 [INFO] [MineBackup] Done!
    2012-05-12 00:03:14 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Data files refreshed.
    2012-05-12 00:53:14 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Data files refreshed.
    2012-05-12 00:55:07 [INFO] [MineBackup] Copying others\plugins momentarily...
    2012-05-12 00:55:12 [INFO] [MineBackup] * copying others\plugins
    2012-05-12 00:55:23 [INFO] [MineBackup] Done!
    2012-05-12 00:56:07 [INFO] [MineBackup] Copying worlds\world momentarily...
    2012-05-12 00:56:12 [INFO] [MineBackup] * copying worlds\world
    2012-05-12 00:56:24 [INFO] [MineBackup] Done!
    2012-05-12 01:03:14 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Data files refreshed.
    2012-05-12 03:13:13 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Data files refreshed.
    2012-05-12 03:15:48 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 03:23:13 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Data files refreshed.
    2012-05-12 06:23:11 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Data files refreshed.
    2012-05-12 06:27:25 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 06:27:39 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 06:28:37 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 06:29:30 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the ...
    2012-05-12 06:51:08 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 06:51:05 [WARNING] Time ran backwards! Did the system time change?
    2012-05-12 06:51:05 [WARNING] Time ran backwards! Did the system time change?
    2012-05-12 06:51:24 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 07:27:51 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 07:27:56 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-05-12 07:28:07 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 07:37:37 [WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    2012-05-12 07:37:39 [INFO] Creating empty config: D:\sv\plugins\Essentials\userdata\grizzly_f.yml
    2012-05-12 07:37:39 [INFO] Grizzly_f [/] logged in with entity id 237796 at ([world] -55.5, 74.62000000476837, 100.5)
    2012-05-12 07:38:47 [SEVERE] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    2012-05-12 07:38:47 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagByteArray.load(SourceFile:25)
    2012-05-12 07:38:47 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    2012-05-12 07:38:47 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound.load(
    2012-05-12 07:38:47 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagList.load(SourceFile:36)
    2012-05-12 07:38:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    2012-05-12 07:38:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound.load(
    2012-05-12 07:38:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    2012-05-12 07:38:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound.load(
    2012-05-12 07:38:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    2012-05-12 07:38:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NBTCompressedStreamTools.a(SourceFile:75)
    2012-05-12 07:38:52 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(
    2012-05-12 07:38:52 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(
    2012-05-12 07:38:52 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(
    2012-05-12 07:38:52 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.PlayerInstance.<init>(
    2012-05-12 07:38:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.a(
    2012-05-12 07:38:54 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.addPlayer(
    2012-05-12 07:38:56 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(
    2012-05-12 07:38:56 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
    2012-05-12 07:38:58 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
    2012-05-12 07:38:58 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(
    2012-05-12 07:38:58 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2012-05-12 07:39:00 [SEVERE] at
    2012-05-12 07:39:00 [SEVERE] at
    2012-05-12 07:39:00 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagByteArray.load(SourceFile:25)
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound.load(
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagList.load(SourceFile:36)
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound.load(
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound.load(
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTBase.b(SourceFile:77)
    at net.minecraft.server.NBTCompressedStreamTools.a(SourceFile:75)
    at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(
    at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(
    at net.minecraft.server.PlayerInstance.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.addPlayer(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    2012-05-12 08:41:06 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Listen thread"
    2012-05-12 08:41:22 [SEVERE] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    2012-05-12 08:41:23 [SEVERE] at<init>(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-12 08:41:26 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.<init>(
    2012-05-12 08:41:28 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.<init>(
    2012-05-12 08:41:31 [SEVERE] at

    The CMD-window didnt react so I closed it.
    Restart--> All player data was gone! I (the owner) joined as newbie! Thanks god there are backups.

    The overloaded-thing happend the second time, so dont know why, but this is normal, still annoying, but can be fixed with reload. (random part)

    The second error with that java stuff and the player data happened the first time.
    Is this a bug, or dou you think Grizzly_f hacked the server? (crazy new part)

    Plugins: TimTheEnchanter, GroupManager, WorldEdit, NoCheatPlus, WirelessRedstone, Vault, MobBountyReloaded, WorldGuard, AntiNyan, MineBackup, SpawnerAdjuster, ChestHarvester, iConomy, Permissions (the list is from /plugings. I haven't foound a permissions.jar and can't remember installing this,so I think you can ignore that), BKCommonLib, FalseBookBlock, EssentialsSpawn, LWC, Monster Apocalypse, FalseBookIC, ChestShop, EssentialsChat, FalseBookExtra

    Bukkit version. Beta 1.2.5 R3

    Need more informations? Ask!

    Mfg mojo_blaster
  2. Offline


    I'm afraid I don't know how to help your problem :(
    but the reason it says permissions there is because of EssentialsGroupBridge.jar
  3. Offline


    i would i could help you.. sorry bro
  4. Offline



    i noticed, that the server-performance got a little bit worse.
    the chunks are loading slower,but not much.

    maybe theres a connection.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  5. Your server needs more memory. Either you have a lot of players, or lot of worlds, or both. The problem is, that server tries to load a chunk and it can't load it because it has memory leak. To give server more memory, increase the number after -Xmx in your launching command("java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar craftbukkit.jar"). For example use -Xmx2G instead of -Xmx1G . Increasing number after -Xms also helps.
  6. Offline


    i dont think so.

    the "cant keep up" messages started while there was no load on the server,no player was online,nothing. so why should there be not enough ram if it always worked an i remove some plugins?

    i gave the server under 1 g (around 600-700mb,cant remember), cause the virtual machine i rent at strato only got 1 gb ram.

    it worked always, so why should there be suddenly in the middle of the night without anyone online not enough free ram?

    and does this explain, why all user data was gone an we were all newbies instead of builder/moderator/owner ???

    its a bug of the r3 beta, i noticed that it happens since ive got the R3 beta.

    but im not sure. maybe something else is the reason, that slows down the server.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  7. Oh, anyone was online! Then, it seems to be something around MineBackup and R3 beta. My friend had similar problem too, but it was fixed by resetting(not reloading) the server. I suggest you set minebackup to only do backups when someone's online. It's more efficient, saves HDD space and also a little bit of RAM.
  8. Offline


    i think ive already set that things in the config a month ago. i saves no hdd if you define to only leave 8 backups und delete the rest :D

    im testing beta r2 at the moment, lets see what happens

    tried beta r2, still doesnt work, but the erro log is a little bit different:

    2012-05-13 08:14:09 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-49167"
    2012-05-13 08:14:09 [SEVERE] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    2012-05-13 08:14:12 [SEVERE] at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:14:14 [SEVERE] at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:14:14 [SEVERE] at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:14:17 [SEVERE] at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:14:19 [SEVERE] at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.forOutputStreamWriter(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:14:21 [SEVERE] at java.i:confused:utputStreamWriter.<init>(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:14:23 [SEVERE] at<init>(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:14:23 [SEVERE] at
    2012-05-13 08:14:26 [SEVERE] at
    2012-05-13 08:14:28 [SEVERE] at Source)
    2012-05-13 08:17:03 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Listen thread"
    2012-05-13 08:17:07 [SEVERE] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    2012-05-13 08:18:23 [SEVERE] at<init>(Unknown Source)
    2012-05-13 08:18:49 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.<init>(
    2012-05-13 08:18:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.<init>(
    2012-05-13 08:22:07 [SEVERE] at

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  9. Offline


    fixed by using 1.2.5 r1 stable built
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