Random Loot Chest Spawn

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Calebizzthaman, May 25, 2015.

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    Hi! Here lately I have been searching for a plugin that will just allow me to add item ids in a config file and it would spawn chests all around the world with the items I had defined in the config. I have found no plugin that seems to be simple enough.

    I am in need of a plugin to allow me add item IDs in the configuration files and add the worlds I want the plugin to work in, and possibly allow me to add different heights on the map. The plugin would spawn chests all around the map with the loot/items I had specified in the configuration file. If you could do this for me it would be highly appreciated! :)
  2. Offline


    So do you want chests to spawn around the ENTIRE world? Or within lets say 10000 blocks of spawn. The ENTIRE world is 'infinite' and you would be creating a huge, impossible to fit, file on your server.
  3. Offline


    Ten thousand blocks would be fine. Maybe I could set like regions around the different places? And set it to spawn loot chests?
  4. Offline


    How exactly is that? The plugin itself shouldn't be too much code, and the world folder size doesn't change much if you add chests. Basically, all you have to do is;

    - Configuration file for chest density & contents
    - First time the plugin runs, get all chunks that exist, and add chests randomly at the set density
    - Each time a player forces the server to generate a new chunk, add chests randomly to that chunk

    If you run the tasks in an async thread, it won't cause lag on the server.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Thanks! :)
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    Why on Earth would you use an async method on a task that is directly related to the server. You are setting your self up for a disaster there my friend.

    I mention the file size issue because if I were to make a plugin that generates random chests at an ever increasing number, it would go on forever forcing chunks to load. World sizes are based on how much of the world has been explored. Once you move to a 'new' chunk, a hash, usually your computer's clock, generates a new chunk that in turn is loaded and saved to file. When you edit these 'new' chunks en masse, you get gigantic files that are way larger than any hard drive can store.

    The random/location method will affect all chunks, not just loaded ones.
    Steplas2013 likes this.
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    First of all, using an async thread for Bukkit methods may not be ideal, but if you do it right, it won't break anything. I'm also not making the plugin, never said I was, so how would I be "setting myself up for a disaster"?

    Secondly, the file size issue is bullshit. Not going over that again. For the intended use of the requested plugin, the method I suggest will work perfectly fine. Not saying they have to use it, but it'll do everything they just asked for.
  9. Offline


    Geez... I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, shape, or form. I'm not trying to criticize you. Besides, if you're aren't making the plugin then there shouldn't be a problem. I'll finish this thing tomorrow and it'll work like a charm. I'm fully capable of handling this, I'm just making sure I do as @Calebizzthaman wants. That's all.
  10. Offline


    Thank you! :)
  11. Offline


    might not wanna forget making it worldguard compatible or even WorldBorder...considering chunks will loads outside the border aswell :confused:
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  13. Offline


    To allow anyone to use it with any combination of plugins (not everyone uses the same world border plugin), it may be a smart thing to define your own border in the configuration file.
  14. Offline


    yea but i was reading "random chunks" which is why i noted that its best to check with world border cause some either ignore world borders through access or go near the border causing chunkloads outside of it meaning a chest can spawn far beyond the border..not smart
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    As far as I'm concerned, the Border that this plugin will operate within, will be all the loaded regions within the radius supplied within the config...

  16. Offline


    Any news on the plugin?
  17. Offline


    @Calebizzthaman I'm half way done with it... I bit more than I could chew today, you'll be seeing it within the next two days... that's a promise!

    Any commands?
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
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    Not that I know of. Maybe a command that reloads the plugin?
  19. Offline


    I got that and a command that'll let you convert a world to a chest world....
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  21. Offline


    Beginning the debug process now, almost done I hope :D
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  23. Offline


    Pending approval, I'll send you a link when approved!
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  25. Offline


    Here is the plugin > Plugin

    There is one thing I wanna update, but besides that it is ready to roll
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2015
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    The file is waiting approval

    It's ready now
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