Ram issues

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Infinity95, Oct 13, 2011.

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  1. Im hosting a Bukkit server on a Dedicated Server running Ubuntu. The specs: 8gb ram 2,7ghz quad core.
    When i start up the server all is fine and it uses up about 1-2gb ram. Then later when players connect it uses up about 3-4gb (6-8 Players) but then it just keeps going up until java throws an out of memory error (no more players connected. at the point of the error there were only 2 players online)
    Is that normal? I don't think so. Im only running a few plugins i've run before already without problems.
  2. Offline


    What is your start script contents? Java is supposed to use up to it's limit then invoke garbage collection, but not run out :p
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