Radio Towers

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PotatoTears, Nov 17, 2013.

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    Radio Towers

    Plugin Category:

    Fun, Role Playing, Mechanics

    Suggested Name:

    Radio Towers

    What I Want:

    When a player with the radiotowers.create permission places an Iron Block with Iron Bars on top of it, a functional Radio Tower is created. The amount of Iron Bars on top of it will be the multiplied amount of blocks the Radio Tower sends signals.

    When you right-click the Iron Block, you can type a message in the chat. This message will only be displayed to other Radio Towers nearby. To receive transmits, left-click the Iron Block.

    Weather can affect Radio Towers. When it's raining, the transmit radius will be decreased.

    Example Config:

    one-iron-bar: 10 #blocks of distance
    compasses-point-at-the-nearest-radio-tower: true
    rain-affects-transmit-by: 10 #in percents



    radiotower.create - User can create Radio Towers.
    radiotower.use - User can use Radio Towers.
    radiotower.compass - User's compass will point to the nearest Radio Tower.

    Oh, and i forgot to mention. If a player wants to send a transmit, he right-clicks the iron block and has to type the text in chat. BUT if the player moves before typing then it will be cancelled.
  2. That sounds pretty neat! I'll take a crack at it after I get through my studying for the night.

    Edit: I found something very similar to your idea on BukkitDev. You might be able to use that instead.
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    It doesn't actually function the same as in my request.
    I'd like to see you create this. :)

  4. Ah, I can see why you'd want a different feature set.

    What do you think of a config setting to allow signals to "jump" from one tower to the next? That'd make it possible to chain towers together.

    Also, should altitude have any effect on range? Towers are usually placed on mountaintops to clear obstacles.
    PotatoTears and fromgate like this.
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    That config setting is good, yes.

    And yes, altitude should have effect on range.

    I will be very thankful if you make this. :D
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  7. PotatoTears I'll try to get started on this after I get through today's finals (everything from tomorrow onwards is incredibly easy stuff, so I'll have free time).
    PotatoTears likes this.
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  10. PotatoTears I've been devising algorithms on the whiteboards in the CS labs between study sessions. I think I've got most of it figured out (detecting the towers themselves is somewhat easy, but it's non-trivial to keep track of them. I'm thinking of just using a config file to store a list of towers.

    Signal propagation will also take some work, albeit not quite as much.
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    thomas15v He was last on at Nov 28. I don't think he ever comes back.
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    Hmm, lol i was just scrolling above and was watching the time between your posts. I am sorry :). But if you want i can give it a try.

    But could it be fine if i use signs instead of chat?
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    thomas15v Well in my server everything is protected and people can't place signs so i'd rather have chat. :)
  18. Offline


    Oke i give it a try. But keep in mind the plugin isn't that easy to create.
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    Deleted user


    I think you're all just over-thinking this. Instead of scanning the radius from one location for towers why not just save the tower's Location when it's created and then loop through all towers when attempting to send a message and see if any other towers are within the radius.
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  22. Apologies for the radio silence- I've been battling illnesses and horrid sleep schedules for the past few days, so I've had to suspend all my plugin-related work.

    If anybody needs help with a particular algorithm, though, I may be able to help.
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    PotatoTears I finished most of the configuration and tower detection system. (lol having fun with it)

    You can try it. (Keep in mind this version IS NOT working). just try to place a iron block and place some iron gate on top of it. You will get a message. If you break the iron block you also will get a message. What i need to do:
    • Find a way calculate the range (easy)
    • Implement the message system (Still thinking how i would do that)

    Attached Files:

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    Here you go. If their are any bugs or changes you would like to have just say ;).

    Does the compass and the teleport thingy also be included? Also notice that rain doesn't affect the towers. But i want to stop for today lol

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    Attached Files:

    PotatoTears likes this.
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    PotatoTears Is it good? Is their not anything you would like to see changed?

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