Plugin category: Not Sure Suggested name: AdvancedRadar What I want: I want a new item created that looks like a cellphone that when right clicked brings up a map of the region with a 50 block radius and it should show players that are in the area (the head of the player). I would also like a block that can be placed that when right clicked brings up a map of a 100 block radius with location of players (player head) within that radius. The block radar should look like a computer please. Ideas for commands: /radar (this should give the person the mobile radar) Ideas for permissions: radar.use When I'd like it by: ASAP if this is possible and can be done can you please make it for me, it would be much appreciated.
COLT452 This is not possible but, A GUI could be made with player heads and a block distance that they are away from you as the Lore. You would have to test for say 1 diamond in a players inventory for the plugin to have them show up on the "Radar" "GUI" and list how many block they are away from you.