R2.0 Console Problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Riolu, May 19, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Hello. I got little problem with my craftbukkit game console:
    When I push up (to get last command I enter in console), I just got message "pH". I also got pM, pP, pK, when I push right, down and left.
    What is this and how can I fix that?
  2. Offline


    Why would you reload?
    Just restart :)
  3. Offline


    Reload much easier than restarting. But even when I did restart, this problem is still there.
  4. Offline


    If you are very sure it's craftbukkit doing this (and not some plugin or w/e), post it on leaky.bukkit.org
  5. Offline


    This IS a craftbukkit bug, search for it, seems to be since R-2.0 itself
  6. Offline


    Not craftbukkit "bug".

    It's actually a feature, only "broken" on Windows.

    Install, for example, AnsiCon, and the strange characters in your console will become a green "Reload complete".

  7. Offline


    just read the announcement, acro, but it seems to be broken on linux too as some reported... Would need to search for it
  8. Offline


    link is dead. I was too wondering why the console was acting wierd. Now i really want to use this ansi
  9. Offline


    So well, if no one can answer, let us wait for new version or somethin'.
  10. Offline


    Riolu try starting the server up with "-nojline" added to the startup string. Windows has a problem with the new version of jLine we added to CB.
    Riolu likes this.
  11. Offline


    Oh yeah, that helped. Thank you :)
    But I noticed that I can't paste via Ctrl+V. It was avalible to do that untill R2.0. -nojline don't help with it.
  12. Offline


    Just right click and paste :eek:
  13. Offline


    How obvious. I know it, but I still requie Ctrl+V pasting.
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