Hello. I got little problem with my craftbukkit game console: When I push up (to get last command I enter in console), I just got message "pH". I also got pM, pP, pK, when I push right, down and left. What is this and how can I fix that?
If you are very sure it's craftbukkit doing this (and not some plugin or w/e), post it on leaky.bukkit.org
Not craftbukkit "bug". It's actually a feature, only "broken" on Windows. Install, for example, AnsiCon, and the strange characters in your console will become a green "Reload complete". http://adoxa.110mb.com/ansicon/
just read the announcement, acro, but it seems to be broken on linux too as some reported... Would need to search for it
link is dead. I was too wondering why the console was acting wierd. Now i really want to use this ansi
Riolu try starting the server up with "-nojline" added to the startup string. Windows has a problem with the new version of jLine we added to CB.
Oh yeah, that helped. Thank you But I noticed that I can't paste via Ctrl+V. It was avalible to do that untill R2.0. -nojline don't help with it.